泌乳是产生母乳的过程。对于怀孕或最近出生的妇女,泌乳是正常的。激素信号乳腺in your body to start producing milk to feed the baby. But it’s also possible for women who have never been pregnant — and even men — to lactate. This is called galactorrhea, and it can happen for a variety of reasons.

Galactorrhea happens to around 20 to 25 percent of women, according to Dr. Sherry Ross, OB/GYN at Providence Saint John’s Health Center.

症状of lactating when you’re not pregnant

Galactorrhea’s most common symptom is one or both breasts producing excessive milk. The condition is most common in women, but can also happen to men and newborn babies.

Other symptoms include:

  • 从随机发生的乳头泄漏
  • enlargement of breast tissue
  • missed or irregular periods
  • loss of or lowered sex drive
  • 恶心
  • acne
  • abnormal hair growth
  • 头痛
  • trouble with vision


Galactorrhea has a wide variety of different causes, and in some cases, the cause is hard to pinpoint. Reasons for lactating when not recently pregnant can range from hormone imbalances to medication side effects to other health conditions.


  • medications
  • 潜在的医疗问题
  • 一个肿瘤
  • overstimulation of the nipples

Other causes include the following.




These conditions may also contribute to lactating when not pregnant:


经常使用某些药物,例如opiates,大麻, 和可卡因,可以触发泌乳,而无需怀孕。重要的是要告诉您的医生是否使用任何药物,并且多久一次。他们在诊断您的alactorrhea时需要考虑这一点。


For some people, having regular breast stimulation may trigger galactorrhea. This can be stimulation during sexual activity, from frequent breast self-exams, or from clothing that rubs against the nipples.

Mothers who are adopting babies and wish to breast-feed can prepare their breasts and increase prolactin levels with pumping.

Diagnosis for lactating when you’re not pregnant

Treatment for galactorrhea depends on what’s causing it. Your doctor will ask about family history and then may do a few tests to determine the cause. The doctor will also do aphysical breast exam。他们可能会试图在实验室中表达一些出院以进行检查。

Other tests can include:

Treatment for lactating when you’re not pregnant

Once your doctor has confirmed a cause, they’ll recommend treatment. Some things can be done on your own, like avoiding tight clothing and reducing the amount of nipple stimulation during sexual activities.


Stopping antipsychotic medications, cutting back on marijuana, cocaine, and/or opiates, and limiting nipple stimulation are all ways to stop galactorrhea if these things are found to be the cause, according to Dr. Kevin Audlin of the Institute for Gynecologic Care at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. But he points out that it can take a few months for milk production to stop, even after discontinuing medication.


Dr. Ross says medication can be given to bring down high prolactin numbers. “Bromocriptine is a medication used to lower the high levels of prolactin in your blood, which helps treat the symptom of lactation.”



  • 避免刺激乳头的胸罩或衣服
  • avoiding stimulating breasts too often
  • 练习健康的方法来缓解压力

Should I be concerned?


Other concerning causes of nipple discharge include:

