
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is an important part of the reproductive system. It’s responsible for the growth of ovarian follicles. Follicles produce estrogen and progesterone in the ovaries and help maintain the menstrual cycles in women. In men, FSH is a part of the development of the gonads as well as sperm production.

The FSH test measures the level of FSH found in your blood. Your doctor will order an FSH test to find the underlying cause of symptoms affecting the reproductive system.



In women,theFSH测试的最常见原因包括:

  • assessing infertility problems
  • assessing irregular menstrual cycles
  • 诊断垂体或涉及卵巢的疾病的疾病


In men,an FSH test may be done to:

  • 评估低精子计数
  • assess hypogonadism or gonadal failure
  • 评估睾丸功能障碍

FSH Test for Children


Talk to your doctor about any prescription or nonprescription medications, dietary supplements, and vitamins you’re taking before any medical test is performed. You should tell your doctor about any types of birth control you use, such as the pill, an intrauterine device, or the patch, because this may play a role in your test results.


  • uncontrolled thyroid disease
  • sex-dependent hormone tumors
  • 卵巢囊肿
  • unusual vaginal bleeding

These conditions may be associated with FSH levels.


  1. A healthcare provider will tie a tourniquet above the site where the blood will be taken. Blood is usually taken from the arm.
  2. They’ll clean and sterilize the site with an antiseptic and insert a needle directly into your vein.
  3. Most people feel a few moments of sharp pain initially, but this will quickly fade as the blood is drawn.
  4. They’ll remove the needle within a few minutes and then ask you to apply pressure to the site with a cotton ball or small cloth.
  5. They’ll place a bandage on the site.

With any procedure, a small amount of risk is involved. Slight risks include:

  • vasovagal syncope, or fainting at the sight of blood
  • dizziness
  • 眩晕
  • 感染
  • bruising
  • 血肿
  • 疼痛
  • redness at the needle site

FSH levels vary based on gender and age. They also vary depending on where a woman is in her monthly cycle. Each lab has a slightly different reference range. You should discuss your results with your doctor.



If you’re a woman with high FSH levels, this may indicate:

  • 失去卵巢功能或卵巢衰竭
  • 绝经
  • polycystic ovarian syndrome, which is a condition in which a woman’s hormones are out of balance, causing ovarian cysts
  • a chromosomal abnormality, such as Turner’s syndrome that occurs when part or all of one of a woman’s X chromosomes is missing



高FSH水平in Men

If you’re a man with high FSH values, this may indicate:

  • Klinefelter的综合征,这是由额外的X染色体引起的男性罕见病,可能会影响男性发育
  • testicles that are absent or not functioning properly
  • 受酒精依赖等疾病损害的睾丸
  • testicles that have been damaged by treatments such as X-rays or chemotherapy

高FSH水平in Children

High FSH levels in children may mean that puberty is about to start.

Low FSH Levels

Low FSH values may indicate that:

  • 女人没有产鸡蛋
  • 一个男人没有生产精子
  • 下丘脑或垂体是大脑中的激素控制中心,无法正常运行
  • 肿瘤正在干扰大脑控制FSH产生的能力
