


To understand what having a lipid disorder means, you need to know about cholesterol. The两种主要形式的胆固醇found in your body are low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL).

LDL, sometimes known as “bad cholesterol,” is made by your body and also absorbed by your body from cholesterol-rich foods such as red meat and dairy products. LDL can combine with other fats and substances in your blood, creating blockages in your arteries.

Blockages in your arteries can reduce your blood flow and cause serious health problems such as heart disease, heart attack, or stroke. Because of its potential effects, doctors recommend lower levels of LDL.

HDL, sometimes known as “good cholesterol,” has a protective effect on your heart. HDL transports harmful cholesterol out of your arteries. Doctors usually recommend that you have a higher level of HDL cholesterol.


A triglyceride is a type of fat you get mostly from the food you eat. Your body also produces it when it converts excess calories to fat for storage. Some triglycerides are necessary for certain cell functions, but too much is unhealthy. As with LDL, lower levels of triglycerides are considered healthier.




Saturated fat:Saturated fats can increase your LDL levels. Some plant-based foods, such as palm oil and coconut oil, contain saturated fats. However, saturated fat is mostly found in animal-based food products such as:

  • 起司
  • 牛奶
  • butter
  • steak

Trans fats:Trans fats, or trans-fatty acids, are worse than saturated fats because they can raise your LDL levels and lower your HDL levels. Some trans fats are found naturally in animal products. Others are found in processed foods that have undergone a process called hydrogenation, such as some kinds of margarine and potato chips.



Other causes

Other causes of high cholesterol levels include:

  • 缺乏运动。Not getting enough exercise can increase your LDL levels. Not only that, exercise has been shown to boost your healthy HDL levels.
  • Smoking.Smoking can also increase your bad cholesterol, causing plaque to build up in your arteries.
  • Genetics.如果高胆固醇在您的家庭中运行,你自己就会增加胆固醇的风险。
  • Medications.某些药物,如某种用药 diuretics , can increase your cholesterol levels.


例如,症状可能以heart disease症状,如胸痛(心绞痛) or nausea and fatigue. A heart attack or stroke may result from uncontrolled cholesterol, among other things.

检查你的胆固醇水平,你的医生会命令血液测试称为alipid profile, or lipid panel. This test measures your total cholesterol (both LDL and HDL) and triglycerides. Before this test, your doctor will likely ask you to避免饮食和饮用液体除水以外至少8至12小时。

脂质型材在每分层(Mg / D1)中毫克胆固醇中的胆固醇抵制胆固醇。您的总胆固醇水平应不高于200 mg / dl。Learn how to understand your cholesterol results.




他汀类药物这se drugs block a substance created in your liver that produces cholesterol. Your liver then removes cholesterol from your blood. Statins can also absorb cholesterol trapped in your arteries. Commonly prescribed statins include:

  • atorvastatin (Lipitor)
  • fluvastatin (Lescol)
  • rosuvastatin (Crestor)
  • simvastatin (Zocor)
  • 普伐他汀

胆固醇absorption inhibitors:这se medications lower your cholesterol levels by limiting your body’s absorption of dietary cholesterol. They’re sometimes used in combination with statins.

Bile acid sequestrants:这些药物捕获物质称为胆固醇,含有胆固醇,并防止它们在您的小肠中重新吸收。

Fibrates:这se medications help lower triglyceride levels in your blood.


Omega-3 fatty acids在计数器上可用通常用于降低甘油三酯和LDL水平。Omega-3脂肪酸是在脂肪鱼中的多不饱和脂肪,如鲑鱼。植物油如油菜和橄榄油也含有Omega-3脂肪酸。

烟酸increases the level of HDL production. Niacin is available over the counter or in prescription strength.

Lifestyle changes


American Heart Association (AHA) 建议你戴的不超过6%ly calories come from saturated fat. The AHA also recommends avoiding trans fats whenever possible. Eating plenty of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables can also decrease high cholesterol.


  • 吃皮肤无明显的脂肪
  • eating lean meats, in moderate portions
  • 吃低脂肪或无脂乳制品
  • consuming polyunsaturated fats and mono-unsaturated fat instead of saturated fats and trans fats
  • 每天至少锻炼30分钟,每周4天
  • avoiding fast food, junk food, and processed meats
  • eating grilled and roasted foods instead of fried foods
  • drinking less alcohol, alcohol causes triglyceride levels to increase

Medication and lifestyle changes can help lower your cholesterol levels. Follow your doctor’s treatment plan to improve your health and reduce your risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.