
A complete cholesterol test is also called a lipid panel or lipid profile. Your doctor can use it to measure the amount of “good” and “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides, a type of fat, in your blood.


  • heart disease
  • stroke
  • 动脉粥样硬化,堵塞或硬化的动脉

If you’re a man, you should get your cholesterol levels checked regularly, starting by age 35 or younger. If you’re a woman, you should begin routine cholesterol screening by age 45 or younger. To be on the safe side, you may want to get your cholesterol tested every five years beginning as early as age 20. If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, heart disease, stroke, or high blood pressure, or if you’re taking medication to control your cholesterol levels, you should check your cholesterol every year.


  • 有一个高胆固醇或心脏病的家族史
  • 超重或肥胖
  • 经常喝酒
  • smoke cigarettes
  • 引领不活跃的生活方式
  • 有糖尿病,肾脏疾病,多囊卵巢综合征,或不活性甲状腺腺体

All of these things can increase your risk of developing high cholesterol.


  • 总胆固醇:这是血液中胆固醇的总量。
  • 低密度脂蛋白(LDL)胆固醇:这被称为“坏”胆固醇。太多引发了你心脏病发作,中风和动脉粥样硬化的风险。
  • 高密度脂蛋白(HDL)胆固醇:这被称为“好”胆固醇,因为它有助于从血液中除去LDL胆固醇。
  • 甘油三酯:当你吃东西时,你的身体会转化它不需要甘油三酯的卡路里,它储存在你的脂肪细胞中。患有超重,糖尿病,吃太多糖果的人,或喝太多酒精可具有高甘油三酯水平。

In some cases, your doctor may ask you to fast before having your cholesterol levels tested. If you’re only getting your HDL and total cholesterol levels checked, you may be able to eat beforehand. However, if you’re having a complete lipid profile done, you should avoid eating or drinking anything other than water for nine to 12 hours before your test.

Before your test, you should also tell your doctor about:

  • any symptoms or health problems you’re experiencing
  • 你的家庭历史健康
  • 您目前正在服用的所有药物和补充剂



血液测试是一种门诊手术。这需要only a few minutes and is relatively painless. It’s usually performed at a diagnostic lab. In some cases, it can also be performed during a regular doctor visit, at a local pharmacy, or even at home. Walk-in clinic rates can cost anywhere from $50 to $100. Cholesterol testing at a local pharmacy can cost $5 to $25. An at-home test can cost anywhere from $15 to $25, while tests that need to be shipped to a lab can average $75 to $200.

There are very few risks associated with having your blood drawn for a cholesterol test. You may feel slightly faint or have some soreness or pain at the site where your blood was drawn. There’s also a very slight risk of infection at the puncture site.


  • LDL:70至130 mg / dl(数字越低,越好)
  • HDL:超过40至60毫克/ dl(数量越高,越好)
  • 总胆固醇:小于200毫克/ dl(越低,数量越好)
  • 甘油三酯:10至150 mg / dl(数字越低,越好)

如果您的胆固醇数量在正常范围之外,您可能处于患心脏病,中风的风险较高动脉粥样硬化。If your test results are abnormal, your doctor may order a blood glucose test to check for diabetes. Your doctor might also order a thyroid function test to determine if your thyroid is underactive.


在某些情况下,胆固醇测试结果可能是错误的。例如,一项研究发表在Journal of the American College of Cardiology发现,用于计算LDL胆固醇水平的一种常用方法通常会产生不准确的结果。


High cholesterol can be treated with lifestyle changes and medication. Lowering high levels of LDL in your blood can help you avoid problems with your heart and blood vessels.


  • Quit smoking tobacco and limit your alcohol consumption.
  • 避免高脂肪和高钠的食物,同时保持均衡的饮食。吃各种蔬菜,水果,全谷物产品,低脂肪乳制品,稀薄的蛋白质。
  • 经常锻炼。尝试每周做150分钟的中等强度有氧活动,以及两次肌肉加强活动。

Your doctor may put you on a “therapeutic lifestyle changes” or TLC diet. Under this meal plan, only 7 percent of your daily calories should come from saturated fat. It also requires you to get less than 200 mg of cholesterol from your food each day.


  • oats, barley, and other whole grains
  • 苹果,梨,香蕉和橘子等水果
  • 茄子和秋葵等蔬菜
  • 豆类和豆类,如芸豆,鹰嘴豆和扁豆



Overall, high cholesterol is very manageable. Ask your doctor to help you create a treatment plan that you can maintain. It may include changes to your diet, exercise routine, and other daily habits. It may also include cholesterol-lowering medications. The more proactive you are in making lifestyle changes and taking prescribed medications, the better results you will have.