
Wheezing is a symptom of a few different medical conditions. While some of these issues are temporary (like allergies), others can be quite serious and require medical attention.

其中最...之一常见的原因喘息是asthma, which is when there is a swelling or narrowing of the throat or the airways to your lungs. But wheezing can be caused by a variety of other issues.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)是特异性肺病的毯项,包括emphysema(which is damaged air sacs in the lungs) and慢性支气管炎(inflammation of the lungs). Most people with COPD are older and are living with it due to抽烟

Wheezing and breathlessness are twosymptomsCOPD。

囊性纤维化is a disease that affects the exocrine glands and can cause fluid buildup in the lungs. Asymptom的this is wheezing.

支气管炎,这是肺部主气道的感染,可以原因喘息。喘息也是一个symptom肺炎, an infection in the tissue of the lungs.

Vocal cord issues


  • wheezing
  • coughing
  • difficulty breathing


Even if you don’t have asthma, allergies可以引起you to feel like you’re short of breath. They can also cause wheezing. Theallergysymptoms you experience depend on the type of thing you’re allergic to, such as花粉要么pet dander.

一种naphylaxis,这是一种急性和严重的过敏反应,也可能导致喘息。过敏反应是A.medical emergency。如果您开始体验,您应该致电911或当地的紧急服务anaphylaxis symptoms, 如:


Heart failure能够原因喘息或“气喘吁吁”的感觉。这种喘息通常是由肺中的流体堆积引起的。


胃食管反流疾病(GERD)是慢性胃酸倒流,经常closely associatedwith asthma. This chronic acid reflux can worsen asthma symptoms by irritating the airways and lungs. People with both asthma and GERD may notice an increase in their wheezing when their GERD flares up.

Lifestyle factors


  • 恶化哮喘症状
  • increase your risk of developing COPD
  • 导致咳嗽和喘息

任何人都会发生喘息。然而,某些危险因素可以增加您发展喘息的机会。遗传性疾病,如asthma, can run in families.


避免危险因素,如抽烟,可能有助于改善喘息。你应该远离让你喘息的触发器,如花粉and otherallergens, 如果可能。

Tell your doctor if you’re experiencing wheezing for the first time and can’t seem to find a cause.


  • difficulty breathing
  • hives
  • 肿face or throat


When it comes to certain lung conditions, prescription anti-inflammatory medications can decrease inflammation and excess mucus in the airways. These medications typically come in the form of inhalers, but they’re also available as liquid medication used vianebulizers



  • 快速缓解药物(在症状的第一个迹象中使用,例如喘息)
  • 控制器药物(在气道中宽松膨胀和粘液)
  • biologics(对于患有慢性,持续症状的人)



Mucolytic medications can help to thin mucus in the lungs so you can cough it up more easily.

In the case of certain chronic health conditions, such asasthma, wheezing can’t usually be prevented without medical help. However, taking your prescribed medications as soon as you start to feel the symptom coming on can help provide quicker relief.


  • 避开吸烟
  • reducing your exposure to allergy or asthma triggers when possible
  • working on managing underlying symptoms

Wheezing is a high-pitched sound that occurs when you breathe. It’s caused by narrowed airways or inflammation in the lungs.


