

But are we?

During this time of tremendous uncertainty due to新冠肺炎, many have mourned with teens and other kids who have missed out on milestones and events. Parents and friends have done what they can to make the best of things, adapting with drive-by graduations and online celebrations.



In place of the push to get things back to “normal” as school begins again while the pandemic continues, we need to take the time to validate their emotions.

In late May, a classmate of my twin high school seniors wrote an意见信给纽约时报saying, “It feels selfish to say this when people are dying, but I know the class of 2020 is hurting.”

Her words were honest and expressive of what many seniors were feeling but her words were heartbreaking because she felt自私表达他们。

Many seniors remain in limbo with graduations rescheduled for mid to late August and now, with anCovid-19案件的上升across the country, those long-awaited physically distant graduations are being canceled.

After a最近的一篇文章about missed milestones was published on Today.com, comments were made on asuccessive social media postthat stated, basically, unless a teen had lost a loved one, they needed to, “shut up and get over it.”

在另一个例子中,一个现场城镇厅播出on a major cable news outlet on the topic of education and COVID-19, teen Analey Escalera expressed grief about things missed during her senior year and worries about how attending college would change due to the pandemic. She asked the professional panelists for advice moving forward.

The response by one expert was that she should remind herself that her situation could be worse.

I find the exchange hard to watch without feeling palpable discomfort and concern for a young woman being dismissed by the very person she’d reached out to for advice.

艾米莉国王博士is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Raleigh, North Carolina, who specializes in working with children and adolescents. She’s also a mom of two school-age boys and is seeing this same disturbing trend in her practice. She cautions adults from negating or quantifying anyone’s悲伤, particularly that of children and teens.

King lost her father unexpectedly when she was pregnant with her first child so understands the grief of losing a parent. She has been in sessions with grieving teenagers who are mourning “the loss of a friendship, an opportunity, the end of year, and now the upcoming school year due to the pandemic.”

“I am here to say that grief is only defined by the person feeling it,” King asserts. “We are all a collection of our experiences and the grief we feel can only be measured when comparing it to the experiences we have had, not the experiences someone else has had.”

King uses the example of her own loss to emphasize why invalidating feelings is insensitive. She points out that telling someone that things could be worse just because they haven’t lost a loved one to death doesn’t acknowledge the reality that we all have our own experiences of grief.

“My grief is not comparable to someone else’s grief because they own their grief, I don’t. When we tell young people that ‘things could be worse,’ we invalidate what they are feeling. We are saying, ‘your feelings aren’t important’ or ‘your feelings are misguided.’

“This is confusing and damaging to young people who are processing a loss. Grief is a broken connectof any kind。它可能是一种死亡,拒绝,分手,或者丧失永远不会发生的事件。“

So when your tween or teen is emotional over things that may seem minor, take a step back. Evaluate your response to their sadness. Consider that we each have our own experience of coping with the current situation.

“No grief is too small to be validated and supported. Like any other emotions, we are not allowed to tell each other how to feel. Grief included.”


Other people’s grief makes us uncomfortable, says King and the first thing we do as humans when we are uncomfortable is try to avoid what is making us feel this way.

“So, we minimize,” King says, “thinking we are making the person feel better. Yet, minimizing someone else’s grief is the human attempt of helpingusfeel more comfortable and can be hurtful to the person feeling the grief,” shares King.

We now move from the initial losses ushered in by COVID-19 to future losses, including many rites of passage for children and teens. In some ways the loosening of restrictions and return to school may seem like a return to normal, but very little is like what it once was.

No traditional first day of school with smiling pictures and meet the teacher moments for many children entering kindergarten or other milestone years.

没有内在的学校,尽可能多school systems are going fully remote并取消了这一来临的运动。



King believes that this kind ofanticipatory grief在这一点增加了悲伤。




Laura Richards是四个儿子的母亲,包括一套相同的双胞胎。She has written for numerous outlets including The New York Times, The Washington Post, U.S. News & World Report, The Boston Globe Magazine, Redbook, Martha Stewart Living, Woman’s Day, House Beautiful, Parents Magazine, Brain, Child Magazine, Scary Mommy, and Reader’s Digest on the topics of parenting, health, wellness, and lifestyle. Her full portfolio of work can be found atlaurarichardswriter.com.,你可以与她联系FacebookandTwitter