The COVID-19 pandemic has millions of Americans spending a lot more time with technology, increasing our risk of developing tech neck. Hiraman/Getty Images
  • With more screen time during the pandemic, some people are experiencing “tech neck.”
  • Symptoms of tech neck include upper back pain and stiffness, trap pain, muscle spasms or localized shoulder pain, and headaches.
  • 孩子们可能倾向于技术领域,特别是在电子学习时。

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With all that time watching and scrolling, symptoms of “tech neck” can quickly creep up, making screen time a pain.

“Tech neck results from the body position we often subconsciously assume when looking at screens. In this position, your chin comes forward, your shoulders round forward, and often your neck is flexed to look down at your phone, keyboard, and/or computer for an extended period of time,”Matthew Cooper, DC, CCSP, chiropractor and founder and CEO of USA Sports Therapy, told Healthline.



Dr. Renee Enriquez, attending physician and assistant professor for the physical medicine and rehabilitation department at UT Southwestern Medical Center, sees patients with tech neck who often present with the following:

  • 颈部和上背部疼痛和僵硬
  • trap pain
  • muscle spasms
  • localized shoulder pain
  • headaches

“One can experience aching, burning, stabbing, throbbing, and even numbness and tingling all the way down to their hands,” Enriquez told Healthline.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Cooper has seen an increase in patients with signs and symptoms of tech neck. While people are becoming more aware of the condition, he says it deserves more attention.


He points out that most people do not have the ergonomically correct chairs made for working on a computer. Additionally, working on laptops instead of desktops can cause you to lean over the screen.



Because many home offices are dining room tables, sofas, and beds, they don’t provide an environment for good postural positioning.

“I frequently counsel my patients on setting up a more proper workstation to avoid injury or decrease their current pain. I advise many of my patients that these changes to their workstation at home is a form of medical treatment and can be a tax write-off. Physicians can provide letters of medical necessity to document the need for an improved workstation at home to prevent injury,” said Enriquez.




Take a break from the computer every 30 minutes to an hour.

“During these breaks, stretch the neck and shoulders. For tech neck due to repetitive smartphone use, take frequent breaks and use less. If watching movies or doing other activities for a long time, one can get a cellphone holder so the phone can be placed at eye level,” said Cooper.

Enriquez agrees, noting that “motion is lotion.”


Every hour, Cooper suggests performing Bruegger exercises. To do this, sit up straight at the end of your chair with your arms extended out and behind your body. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, with your palms facing up, and tuck in your chin so your head is over your body. Hold this position for 30 seconds at a time while taking deep breaths. Then repeat three to four times.


However, Cooper warns that when most people have tightness or pain in their neck, they stretch their neck by touching their chin to their chest.

“This is the worst thing you can do for tech neck. Tech neck causes an elongation with weakness to the posterior neck muscles. In fact, anyone with tech neck should do the opposite. Stretch the front part of your neck and strengthen, not stretch, the back part of your neck,” he said.



In addition, Enriquez says local application of warm or cold packs and over-the-counter topical creams and medications can help relieve pain and discomfort.


For severe pain, she suggests getting evaluated by a medical professional.


“虽然孩子们正在增长,但他们的生活方式和习惯可以决定他们的姿势,无论好坏。我相信我们将看到这个年轻一代更高的一代,不仅是他们年龄的痛苦,而且还增加了颈部,背部和肩部手术的增加,因为屏幕时间相关的伤害开始时,他们越来越年轻,“ 他说。

Parents can help by setting up a proper e-learning workstation, notes Enriquez.

“Many children do not have office space in the home, and the space on the dining room table that the parent sets up may not be the best for the child. [Try to ensure that] they are sitting in a comfortable seat; feet are on the floor or a stool, and that the computer is at eye level. Make sure they get up frequently to prevent stiffness and rest their eyes,” she said.