The main adductors of the hip are the adductor magnus muscle, the adductor longus muscle, and the adductor brevis muscle. These adductors are assisted by the gracilis and the pectineus. The gracilis helps to flex the leg at the knee. Meanwhile, the pectineus assists with the medial rotation of the thigh, along with the flexing of the thigh at the hip joint.

The adductor magnus muscle helps to keep the lower limb positioned under the center of gravity of the human body. When vigorously contracted, this large triangular muscle may be easily stretched or torn.

长内收肌肌肉坐落在年代ame plane as the pectineus. It is located in front of the other adductors.

The adductor brevis muscle helps to adduct the thigh at the hip joint. It can also flex and medially rotate the thigh. The adductor brevis muscle emerges from the body at the inferior ramus of the pubis. It inserts into the pectineal line and the middle of the linea aspera of the femur. The blood supply for this muscle originates from branches of the femoral and obturator arteries.