Person wearing hearing aid while waving on a video call. Share on Pinterest
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If you’re one of the48 million Americanswith some degree of hearing loss, you might be wondering if hearing aids can help improve your hearing.

While they can’t restore average hearing, a助听器可以提高您听到的能力,它们也可能在提高您的整体生活质量方面发挥重要作用。

Keep reading to learn about the different types of hearing aids available, and how to choose which one is right for you.


根据 National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) , the device magnifies sound vibrations entering the ear, helping to improve hearing and speech comprehension.

Hearing aids, regardless of the type, have three different parts:

  • a microphone
  • 放大器
  • a speaker


Hearing aids are differentiated by where you place them, how they work, and special features. The four primary types of devices are:

  • behind-the-ear (BTE)
  • in-the-canal (ITC)
  • in-the-ear (ITE)
  • receiver-in-canal (RIC)

We’ll go over each of these types in the following sections.


Depending on the type, technology, and features, hearing aids can vary widely in price. For example, according to one set of 数据 , a single hearing aid can range from $1,400 to $2,200. The best way to find hearing aids at a variety of prices is to shop around.

Behind-the-ear (BTE)

Behind-the-ear hearing aids, also called BTE aids, sit behind the ear. They feature a clear tube that connects to the earmold. All of the components are contained in a compartment that sits behind the ear.

BTEs are easy to clean and handle, and they’re also relatively sturdy. According to the 食品和药物管理局(FDA) , BTEs are recommended for children since you can replace the earmold as they grow.

A variation of the BTE is an open-fit hearing aid that allows the ear canal to remain open by fitting behind the ear completely. A narrow tube goes into the canal. Sometimes this style is recommended if you have a lot of earwax or are prone to buildup.


  • easy to clean, handle, and use
  • 适合轻度至深刻的听力损失
  • longer battery life than smaller devices
  • good choice for kids
  • 最小反馈
  • 与定向麦克风和电信配合得很好


  • largest type of hearing aid
  • bulky and more visible than other styles
  • 会如果你戴眼镜吗
  • can pick up external noise like wind

In-the-canal (ITC)


ITCs work for moderate to severe hearing loss, but aren’t recommended for profound hearing loss.

Variation of the ITC hearing aid

A variation of the ITC hearing aid is an aid that’s seated deeply into the canal. Also called completely-in-the-canal (CIC), this style is small, minimally visible, and provides no feedback when using the phone.

However, a CIC is more expensive and may cause your voice to sound too loud (also known as the occlusion effect).

This style is more appropriate for mild to moderate hearing loss.


  • very small and practically invisible
  • most discreet hearing aid style
  • ITC与定向麦克风一起使用
  • 易于与手机一起使用


  • more difficult to adjust and remove
  • prone to moisture and earwax buildup
  • 不适合深刻的听力损失
  • CIC is too small for directional microphones

In-the-ear (ITE)

In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids are slightly larger than ITC aids, but they’re easy to handle. The parts are contained in a shell that fills in the outer part of the ear.

根据NIDCD, one of the advantages of ITEs is the ability to install a telecoil. This allows you to receive sound through the circuitry of the hearing aid, as opposed to the microphone. It also makes it easier to hear when talking on the phone.

ITEs work best for people with mild to severe hearing loss.


  • device is one piece
  • can find them in different colors to match skin tone
  • 与定向麦克风和电信配合得很好
  • good sound clarity


  • 不适合深刻的听力损失
  • may notice feedback issues
  • more noticeable than other styles and designs
  • prone to earwax buildup


The receiver-in-canal (RIC) type of hearing aid where the receiver sits inside the ear canal. The tube is nearly invisible, and the receiver is very small. They’re typically smaller than a BTE and appropriate for mild to moderate hearing loss.

While this type of hearing aid may be more likely than some others to develop moisture and wax buildup, it does tend to run into fewer feedback issues.


  • discreet and powerful
  • less feedback issues than other hearing aid styles
  • 使用一个开放的拟合概念,该概念并不完全阻止耳道
  • provides a clear and natural sound


  • 不适合深刻的听力损失
  • more visible than some of the smaller styles
  • receiver in the ear may lead to more moisture or wax buildup

Hearing aids use electronics, but how they work will depend on which type. Analog or digital electronics are the two primary types. Both convert sound waves, but do so in their own way. Here are a few key differences between analog and digital hearing aids.


With an analog hearing aid, the device converts sound waves into electrical signals. These signals are then amplified. In general, these are less expensive than digital hearing aids, but they’re also not as common as digital hearing aids, according to the FDA.

Digital hearing aids

A digital hearing aid converts sound waves to numerical codes. These codes are then amplified.

An audiologist can program the device to amplify some frequencies more than others, making this a popular choice for people who want a hearing aid that better matches their needs and listening environments.

Not allhearing loss是一样的。决定最佳助听器需要进行一些反复试验,但是有一些技巧可以确保该过程顺利进行。

Get a checkup

One of the best ways to know if a hearing aid is right for you is to see a doctor and have your hearing tested. They can provide recommendations for what will work best for your hearing.



Beware of advertisements with misleading claims

Internet and TV ads are full of companies claiming to sell quality hearing aids. While many are reputable, some are not.

If you’re considering purchasing a hearing aid online, talk with a doctor or audiologist before moving forward. They can help you determine if the product and company are reputable.

另外,查看《消费者报告》或者Consumers Advocatesfor information on hearing aids.

The style and type of hearing aid are typically deciding factors when purchasing a hearing aid. That said, there are other features to keep in mind, including:

  • a telecoil
  • noise reduction
  • directional microphones
  • rechargeable batteries
  • a plug-in audio output
  • remote controls


如果这是您第一次助听器s或者you’re trying a new style, make sure to ask about the trial period. Most manufacturers offer a trial for at least 30 days. That said, some may have nonrefundable fees, so ask about those before leaving the store.


Another critical feature is the duration of the warranty and what it covers. Read the fine print and ask any questions before purchasing. You may also want to consider extending the warranty if this is an option.

Repairs and adjustments

Be sure to ask about repairs and adjustments. Does the audiologist you purchased the hearing aid from offer free or reduced-cost adjustments or repairs, and for how long?

You may end up with a higher price tag for a hearing aid that comes with ongoing support, but the peace of mind is often worth it.

最好的thing to do when deciding on a hearing aid for a child is to work with an audiologist who specializes in caring for children. An audiologist will take an impression of the outer ear canal to ensure a good fit. During the next appointment, the audiologist will:

  • make sure the earmolds fit your child’s ears correctly
  • program the hearing aids to suit your child’s needs
  • 教您的孩子如何将设备放在耳朵中以及如何使用它们

根据American Speech-Language-Hearing Association(ASHA),最好的儿童助听器是幕后(BTE),因为它们可以附着在不同的耳型类型上。BTE也易于更换,可用于小耳朵,并且易于处理和清洁。

If price is preventing you from getting hearing aids, there are ways to make them more affordable. Since most private health insurance plans and Medicare don’t cover hearing aids, many people look to other organizations to afford a device.

If you have a child with hearing loss, look into theEarly and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT)service. Under this service, Medicaid will pay for the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss, including hearing aids. Your child may also be covered by your state’s early intervention program or国家儿童健康保险Program.

A new type of hearing aid called abone-anchored, or cochlear, hearing aidrequires surgery to implant the device. Because of this, Medicare has declared it a prosthetic device, allowing coverage for some adults.

Some nonprofit organizations, government and state groups, and independent groups offer assistance with hearing aids, such as covering costs or providing used or refurbished aids. For more information, contact the NIDCD .

Can hearing loss be prevented?

Not all hearing loss is preventable, such as age-related hearing loss, which can be hereditary and unavoidable, according toNYU Langone Health. However, you can take steps to protect yourself from noise-induced hearing loss.


Wearing protective noise-canceling earplugs or earmuffs while working in a noisy environment can help. Also, turning down the volume of music when using headphones or earbuds can make a difference.


Severe hearing loss requires a more powerful hearing aid than one that would suffice for mild to moderate loss. Some hearing aids are only appropriate for mild to moderate loss, so it’s critical to read the fine print when shopping for a device.

Behind-the-ear devices are often more appropriate for a variety of hearing loss types, like severe to profound hearing loss. The smaller, more discreet styles may not provide enough power.


Which type of hearing aid is the least expensive?

Hearing aids are a pricey investment. On average, it’s not uncommon to spend over $1,000 for one device, with some of the top hearing aids costing close to $6,000 or more per pair.

Fortunately, some online manufacturers and retailers like Eargo, Lively, MDHearingAid, and Audicus offer affordable hearing aids ranging in price from $399 to $1,500 per device.

Another way to save money is to go minimal on features like Bluetooth and voice recognition. Sometimes, behind-the-ear hearing aids are more affordable than more discreet or custom-made styles.

That said, it’s best to talk with a hearing care specialist about your particular situation. They will help you determine if a budget pair will work for you or if you would be better off investing in a more expensive brand and model.

A hearing aid is a small device designed to improve hearing by amplifying sounds that are difficult to hear.

A doctor or audiologist will recommend a specific type of hearing aid depending on your hearing loss and the features you want to include. In general, most hearing aids are now digital, as opposed to analog.

Hearing aids are costly, so it’s to your advantage to shop around and compare prices.
