Obesity rates have risen over the years, and so have the myths and misconceptions about the disease. There’s still a lot we don’t know about the cause or the best way of managing obesity, but we do know a lot more than we used to.

Despite the lack of supporting data, members of the public, mass media, and the government often advocate unsupported beliefs. This only makes the problem worse.

Here we set the record straight on five common obesity myths.



While diet and lack of exercise may play a role, there are several other factors that contribute to the increase in obesity.


For most, obesity isn’t merely the result of making poor choices in life.

压力,睡眠健康,激素,慢性疼痛,潜在的医疗状况,药物,遗传学以及其他多种环境和经济因素也表明 evidence 为了促进肥胖的兴起。

Because of this, management of obesity needs to be tailored for each person diagnosed with the disease.


These issues associated with weight loss can make it more difficult to sustain the weight loss over time.



Some people may develop sagging skin and stretch marks as a result of weight loss. Sometimes, weight loss can affect your mental and emotional health as well.

It’s important to talk to your doctor or dietitian to make sure you’re losing weight in a healthy manner.

Your doctor can also refer you to a mental health professional who can help you create a treatment plan for your mental and emotional well-being during your weight loss journey.

If you’ve tried to lose weight, you’ve probably heard the phrase “calories in vs. calories out.” In other words, to lose weight you simply need to burn more calories (calories out) than you eat (calories in).

Fact: “Calories in vs. calories out” is far too simplistic


The calories you consume — type and amount — affect the amount of energy you use. The foods you eat can also affect hormones that regulate when and how much you eat. Some foods can cause hormone changes that encourage weight gain.

其他食物可以增加您的丰满感并提高新陈代谢率。 研究 suggests that eating less carbs while increasing fat and protein will likely lead to greater weight loss than simply reducing calorie intake.


All too often, weight loss and healthy eating programs focus on the number on the scale. Butresearch表明,将重点放在成功的唯一衡量标准中不仅无效,而且在心理上也是无效的。

Focusing only on the scale can lead to cycles of weight loss and gain. It can also lead to heightened stress, disordered eating, self-esteem issues, and an unhealthy obsession with body image.

Fact: Success should be measured by health, not weight loss

The key to long-term success is to focus on making healthy choices about your diet and exercise, not about the amount of weight you’ve lost.

Growing evidence 表明将成功的重点转移到体重中性结局上,例如血压,饮食质量,体育锻炼,自尊和身体形象比使用体重减轻作为成功的衡量更有效。

一些人认为肥胖epidemic can be solved simply by making fruits and vegetables more affordable and more easily accessible in communities where obesity is prevalent.

Many cities and states have already implemented policies to increase the number of grocery stores and farmer’s markets in so-called “food deserts.” These are places with limited access to fresh, healthy food. Food deserts are commonly found in low-income areas.


研究suggests that education and preferences play a stronger role in making healthy food choices – more so than income and accessibility.


This approach includes promoting diets rich in fruits and vegetables. It also involves reducing people’s consumption of unhealthy foods.

肥胖是一种复杂的疾病。还有这里h about it that we don’t know. Because of this, people tend to associate it with ideas that simply aren’t true.

Separating the facts from the fiction about obesity will help you better understand the disease. If you live with obesity, knowing the truth can help you get the care you need.