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Real Talk

May 27, 2021

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byDearbhla Crosse


Heidi Moawad,M.D.

Medically Reviewed



byDearbhla Crosse


Heidi Moawad,M.D.

Medically Reviewed




生活在慢性病条件下意味着总人们希望有希望的固化 - 所有人 - 传统的补救措施重新包装为真实的奇迹。


Ridding myself of illness became almost nihilistic. The more I tried, the sicker I became, as stress and cortisol gripped my body. The pressure to achieve “wellness” inevitably led to a massive relapse, which resulted in multiple trips to the emergency department.



In my case, muscle spasms, peripheral dysesthesia, and chronic fatigue meant I was put on vats of steroids, which was like being darted with elephant tranquilizer. Steroids gave me the appetite of a baby dinosaur, as well as moon face.

I was devastated.

尽管我的最佳努力与自然疗法,消除饮食等补充剂,但我不奇迹般地愈合。我尝试过CBD,攻击冥想,酊剂和营养学家 - 没有一个治愈我。也不是芹菜汁。

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当然,芹菜汁对你并不糟糕。它包含许多必需的维生素和矿物质 - 但它不会治愈我的MS。


While it is incredible that it has worked for them, I believe a lot of illness “inspo” stories ended up being quite detrimental to my mental health.

There was an expectation that if I did everything they were doing, I would be cured. When I wasn’t, I felt like a failure.



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There is no one-size-fits-all solution

I now know that managing a chronic condition takes trial and error. One size doesn’t fit all and what works for one person may not work for another.

Being your own advocate is so important. Knowing your limits and what works for you is crucial. It takes patience and time, something a lot of wellness “gurus” don’t tell you.

I spent the better part of a year trying to figure out what I had done wrong. It was like prodding an open wound, raw and fruitless. Ultimately, I had to forgive myself for being sick and realize that I am not to blame for my condition.

I think with any diagnosis, you go through the stages of grief, which eventually leads to acceptance.


I do believe the body has an incredible ability to heal itself on many levels, but MS is, ultimately, an incurable disease.

We need a more holistic approach


另一方面,许多医生的营养诺里居民区上空dge is fairly rudimentary, favoring medication as the only solution to most ailments. However, poor nutrition is a huge component of disease, and lifestyle is a主要影响者关于健康成果,特别是对我们的慢性病的人。

Yet, I was never asked about my diet or lifestyle. I was simply told to stay on my medication, which was largely unhelpful.

我发现了以下情况Overcoming MS diet, which is loosely based on the Mediterranean diet, helps with my symptoms. It encompasses the basic tenets of well-being: Don’t eat processed foods. Don’t smoke. Eliminate stress. Eat the rainbow. Spend time outdoors. Exercise, meditate, love, laugh, live.

It’s evidence based and doesn’t claim to offer a cure.

Doctors should offer a more holistic approach to MS, so that it doesn’t force those newly diagnosed down the wellness trap, forking out hundreds of dollars trying to get better or delving into fads that ultimately aren’t going to help us in the long run.



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Many people choose not to disclose that they have MS. For me, sharing my thoughts, worries, and hopes was cathartic.




这篇文章最初出现在2021年5月27日在Bezzy的姐姐网站上,雷竞技app官网。Last medically reviewed on May 27, 2021

3 Sources

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Dearbhla Crosse

Dearbhla Crosse是一位合格的小学老师,插画家和位于爱尔兰的自由作家。她作为一名记者和欧洲,亚洲和中东的基于权利组织的沟通。你可以找到她Twitter
