
If you go weeks or months between migraine attacks, you may have episodic migraine. If you’ve gone 3 months or more experiencing migraine symptoms on 15 days or more per month, you may have chronic migraine. Those with chronic migraine may also experience longer episodes.

In the United States,3900万men, women, and children experience migraine, according to the Migraine Research Foundation. Migraine is thethird most prevalent illnessworldwide. In fact, headaches are in the top five reasons people visit emergency departments every year.

Episodic and chronic migraine may require different treatment plans. It’s important to speak with your doctor about how many migraine days you have each month. How often you experience migraine headaches may affect your quality of life, response to treatments, mental health, and even financial stability.

Episodic migraine Chronic migraine
Frequency 每月少于15天 15 or more days per month for at least 3 months
Duration typically less than 24 hours can be continuous
治疗 episodic over-the-counter (OTC) and preventive medications OTC, prescription, and preventive medications
严重的疼痛 possible likely
合并症(抑郁症和焦虑) possible likely

Your doctor may make a diagnosis of episodic migraine if you have:

  • at least five migraine attacks in your lifetime
  • migraine headaches that affect you on fewer than 15 days each month
  • episodes that typically last 4 to 24 hours

There’s no single test for migraine. To diagnose episodic migraine, your doctor will ask about your symptoms. Migraine attacks are often only on one side of the head, or unilateral. Some people describe it as a pulsing or throbbing sensation. The pain is often accompanied by:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • light sensitivity
  • sound sensitivity

普通术偏头痛的常见触发包括压力,menstruation, and weather changes, among others.

Your doctor will also take steps to rule out other possible causes. For example, you might be experiencing migraine as a side effect of medications or a symptom of an eye disorder or brain injury.

People with chronic migraine experience episodes on more days per month than people with episodic migraine. A doctor may diagnose you with chronic migraine if you have:

  • 偏头痛,每个月为15天或更多天影响你的头痛3个月
  • migraine symptoms on at least 8 of those days
  • episodes that can last more than 24 hours

In a 2012 study in Current Pain and Headache Reports ,研究人员发现,患有慢性偏头痛的人体验剧集,持续平均65.1小时而不治疗,治疗24.1小时。


Episodic migraine is more common than chronic migraine. According to the American Migraine Foundation, about12 percentof Americans have migraine. The Migraine Research Foundation adds that migraine has a higher prevalence in women (18%) than in men (6 percent). Studies have found that chronic migraine affects between3%和5%of Americans.


For example, a 2021 study noted that unadjusted analyses in earlier research showed that the prevalence of chronic migraine was highest among Black and African American people, Latinx people, and people with low household incomes.

However, after adjusting for multiple variables, the same research found that only household income was linked with higher rates of chronic migraine. This may be because of cost concerns around care.

Women in their 40s appear most likely to experience chronic migraine. This points to a hormonal factor in migraine development. In fact, the National Headache Foundation says that60体育rcentof women have migraine attacks around their menstrual cycle.

Other factors related to a higher prevalence of chronic migraine include:

  • obesity
  • 沮丧
  • anxiety
  • 药物过度使用

To treat episodic migraine, a doctor may recommendOTC medications。根据症状的频率和严重程度,它们也可能开药。

Somepreventive medicationscan help people with episodic migraine have fewer episodes. Treatment to prevent migraine attacks may also reduce headache intensity and cut down on rescue medication use.

治疗for chronic migraine includes:

  • OTC药物治疗持续的偏头痛攻击
  • prescription medications治疗an ongoing migraine attack
  • medications that prevent migraine attacks from happening, called预防

Medications that can help reduce the frequency, length, or severity of migraine attacks include:

Most people who experience episodic migraine never develop chronic migraine.

According to a 2012 study in Current Pain and Headache Reports , only 2.5 percent of people with episodic migraine progress to having chronic migraine every year.


Migraine headaches are more than just painful. They can also interfere with your ability to participate in daily activities. In fact, migraine is the third leading cause of disability in people under the age of 50, and it’s thesecond most common causeof lost work days.

If you have chronic migraine, you will likely miss more work and time with your loved ones than you would with episodic migraine. You are also more likely to experience chronic pain, depression, and anxiety. Data from a 2021 report in 头痛 suggests that the greater the number of headache days you have in a month, the more significant the disability and costs to you.


2016年的数据报告 头痛 还表明,慢性偏头痛对治疗更昂贵。它发现慢性偏头痛的人平均每年花费8,243美元来治疗他们的病情。患有巨型偏头痛的人平均每年花2,649美元。

如果偏头痛被其他条件加入,如抑郁或焦虑,则这些成本上升。根据2021年的研究 Frontiers in Neurology , people who have migraine with depression and anxiety can expect to spend $11,102 per year to treat these conditions.

Experts hope that新的和开发偏头痛治疗will help free people from the symptoms and burden of migraine.

Over time, migraine can take a toll on your work, income, and even personal relationships. If you’re experiencing headaches on a regular basis, or if you notice other migraine symptoms, talk with your doctor.

Also, make an appointment if you already have a migraine diagnosis and notice your symptoms are becoming more severe or frequent.
