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Menopause is a biological process that every woman goes through. It marks the end of your reproductive years and is considered official once 12 months have passed since the end of your last menstrual cycle. Menopause can happen anytime during your 40s or 50s, but the average age in the United States is 51.


而不是专注于更年期症状的不适,”The Wisdom of Menopause”提供了不同的观点。克里斯蒂安·诺斯鲁普(Christiane Northrup)博士认为,这种变化是增长的时刻,而不是需要“固定”的事情。她提供了一个完整的指南,以享有恩典的更年期 - 从健康的饮食变化到50岁以后的性别。

领先的妇女健康专家斯蒂芬妮·福布翁(Stephanie Faubion)博士解决了常见问题,提出了健康的生活方式改变,并解释了更年期症状的治疗选择。如果您不知道在变更期间会发生什么,”更年期解决方案” has a full explanation of what happens to your body. The book also includes updated information on over-the-counter medications, supplements, and hormone therapy.

Sometimes we can’t get all the answers from our doctors. It’s helpful to have other trustworthy and reliable sources. “您的医生可能不会告诉您更年期” was first published in 1996 and has been a bestseller since. The book focuses on hormone therapy, offering natural alternatives to help balance hormones. The latest version includes updated information based on today’s knowledge.

了解我们身体如何工作的科学很重要,但是来自他人的个人故事确实可以帮助我们建立联系和学习。“Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause” provides key information and dispels myths about menopause, while also including stories from women about their own experiences. The book’s goal is to help you become more comfortable with menopause and know your treatment options.

经历生活的改变并不是更年期独有的。生活充满了章节和变化,从我们从青春期到成年的过渡开始。在 ”奇迹时代,” author and lecturer Marianne Williamson argues that our ability to rethink our lives is our greatest power to change them. Her book aims to change the way we think about middle age and frame it in a more positive light.

如果您是天然草药疗法的粉丝,”新的更年期” provides hundreds of remedies focused on menopause. The remedies cover menopause from start to finish. You’ll find complete descriptions of the most commonly used herbs, along with recipes for bone and heart health. The book also takes a more spiritual approach, using the voice of Grandmother Growth to guide you through your journey.

Going through menopause doesn’t mean you stop being sexy. Author Staness Jonekos, who has gone through it herself, wants women to know they can fight the belly bulge and loss in libido. It may take some work with diet and exercise, but it’s still possible to wear what you want and feel good in your skin. “更年期改造” provides diet and exercise tips specifically designed for your needs during menopause.

更年期不仅会一次击中所有人 - 除非您进行了完整的子宫切除术。它是分阶段的,第一个是围栏。“在更改之前”仅关注更年期的早期阶段:期望什么,如何控制症状以及如何保持健康。它还提供了一个自我诊断测验,以帮助您确定您是否经历了围绝经期。

苏珊·洛夫(Susan Love)博士认为,更年期是每个女人的生活阶段,因此每个女人都应该能够选择适合她的治疗方法。她基于对生活方式的改变以及激素替代疗法对科学研究的危险的建议。“Dr. Susan Love’s Menopause and Hormone Book”还包括一份有关您自己的健康,历史和生活方式偏好的问卷,以帮助您设计最适合您需求的治疗计划。

更年期症状的主要原因是女性荷尔蒙的减少。但是可能还有其他因素正在发挥作用。“The Little Book of Menopause谈论炎症对更年期症状的作用。这本小书还讨论了激素替代方法如何减轻这些症状。