

酵母菌感染是女性的相对常见。根据哈佛大学的说法,所有妇女中有75%至少有一个vaginal yeast infectionin their lives.

众所周知,对您的生物学有积极影响免疫系统、心血管系统、癌症和其他管道ions. It’s also known to slow the growth of the念珠菌引起酵母菌感染的真菌。继续阅读以了解是否应该使用大蒜来治愈酵母菌感染。

女性的大多数酵母菌感染都是阴道。它们是由感染真菌引起的念珠菌family. These yeast cells exist naturally within your vagina, but an imbalance of other good bacteria can cause the yeast to multiply.

Symptoms of a yeast infections typically include:


While there’s no definitive medical answer to whether garlic can cure a酵母菌感染,可以利用大蒜素来预防酵母菌感染或改善当前状况,尤其是与诸如治疗方案一起使用的情况念珠菌dietor medication.

How to use garlic for a yeast infection


You can purchase garlic extract or tablets over the counter. Be sure to read the labels regarding dosage.



店铺for garlic extract

蒜and yeast infection studies

Medical studies have tested the effectiveness of garlic on various diseases, but they’ve not been large or high-quality studies. In a 2006年研究, 大蒜对18念珠菌strains. Researchers found that garlic may be promising in reversing the effects of fungus growth.


一个 2010年伊朗研究 比较百里香和大蒜奶油的有效性与克洛昔唑,克洛咪唑是一种用于治疗阴道酵母菌感染的抗真菌霜鹅口疮,,,,运动员的脚,,,,股癣,,,,and other conditions. They found no difference in responses to treatment between the two.

While some women have seen positive results when using garlic for a yeast infection, many have experienced less than desirable side effects.


Side effects of topical garlic application can include:

对于大蒜,大蒜片或大蒜提取物是否可以提供治疗方法,研究尚无定论酵母菌感染。但是,它的化学特性已被证明有助于阻止念珠菌fungus responsible for yeast infections. Adding garlic to your diet may also prevent future yeast infections.

If you’re more inclined to natural remedies, ask your doctor about trying a garlic-thyme cream in place of a traditional antifungal treatment.

If you’re experiencing the symptoms of a yeast infection, contact your doctor for a diagnosis and to go over your treatment options.