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阴道酵母感染are uncomfortable, causing itching, irritation, and discharge. They’re also quite common.


Yeast infections can develop for a variety of reasons. You may get one around your period or during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Certain birth control pills may also increase your risk of getting a yeast infection.

Yeast (Candida)是一种可以生活几乎任何地方的真菌。它在你的身体中自然发现,但你的免疫系统使其不断变得失控。当酵母太多倍增阴道时,它会导致感染。

Anything that changes the normal balance of bacteria and yeast in your vagina has the potential to cause a yeast infection.

例如,用于治疗有害细菌感染的抗生素也可能杀死乳酸杆菌bacteria, the good bacteria in your vagina that keep yeast in check.



If you’re looking to get rid of your current yeast infection, your first course of action will likely be an过度计数器(OTC)药物




These OTC medications are generally effective for people who have mild infections and don’t get yeast infections often.


While medication is a more proven method of getting rid of an infection, there are some自然和家庭补救措施尝试。

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil that comes from the leaves of the tea tree (Melaleuca alterifolia.)。该油用于杀死真菌,细菌和病毒的能力。


The essential oil is also believed to spare good bacteria that help maintain a healthy balance in the vagina’s flora. Be sure todilute the tea tree oil那as it can irritate skin if applied directly, especially to the more sensitive vaginal area.


Boric acid

Boric acidis a chemical that has antiseptic and antifungal properties. It’s used as a suppository for yeast infections, usually once a day for 7 days. Boric acid is sometimes used when yeast infections don’t respond to other antifungal medications.

One study found that boric acid suppositories are an effective alternative to other treatments. However, boric acid can irritate the skin and is toxic if taken orally or applied to open wounds.


店铺for boric acid online.


Yogurt contains good bacteria, also called probiotics. Some of these, such as乳酸杆菌acidophilus,也被天然存在于阴道中。




Wear cotton underwear

Tight-fitting clothing, especially clothing that’s made out of manufactured materials like nylon and polyester, can hold in moisture. Yeast likes to grow in dark, moist places.






美国产科医生和妇科学院(ACOG) 建议女性反对冲击。这是因为它可以在防止感染的阴道中杀死好细菌。

Instead, you should clean only the outside areas of your vulva and vagina with gentle soap and water.

It’s best to see a doctor to confirm the presence of a yeast infection, even if you plan to use at-home remedies. Sometimes other infections can be mistaken for yeast infections.

Also, talk with your doctor if your yeast infection doesn’t improve after using home remedies or OTC medications. You may need a prescription medication.