What are nausea and vomiting?

Vomiting是一个无法控制的反射,它通过嘴驱逐胃的内容物。它也被称为“生病”或“呕吐”。Nauseais a term that describes the feeling that you might vomit, but aren’t actually vomiting.


Nausea and vomiting may occur together or separately. They can be caused by a number of physical and psychological conditions.


The most common causes of nausea are intense pain — usually from an injury or illness — and the first trimester ofpregnancy. There are also a number of other relatively common causes, including:

如果你有胆结石, you’re also likely to feel nauseated.



The most common causes of vomiting in children are viral infections and food poisoning. However, vomiting can also be caused by:

  • 严重疾病
  • coughing
  • 高烧
  • 暴饮暴食

In very young infants, blocked intestines can also cause persistent vomiting. The intestines may become blocked by abnormal muscular thickening,hernia, gallstones, or tumors. This is uncommon, but should be investigated if unexplained vomiting occurs in an infant.


大多数成年人很少呕吐。当它发生时,细菌或病毒感染或一种食物中毒通常会导致呕吐。在某些情况下,呕吐也可以是其他疾病的结果,特别是如果他们导致了一个headacheor high发热.


Chronic, or long-term, stomach conditions can often cause nausea and vomiting. These conditions can come along with other symptoms, such as腹泻,便秘, 和肚子痛. These chronic conditions include food intolerances, such as腹菌病and dairy protein and乳糖不耐受.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)is a common stomach condition that causes bloating, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, fatigue, and cramping. It occurs when parts of the gut become overactive. Doctors usually diagnose IBS by identifying symptoms and ruling out other stomach and bowel conditions.

Crohn’s disease是一种炎症性肠疾病,通常会影响肠道,但它可以在消化道中的任何地方发生。克罗恩病是一种自身免疫条件,身体攻击其自己的健康肠道组织,引起炎症,恶心,呕吐和疼痛。

Doctors usually diagnose Crohn’s disease using acolonoscopy, a procedure that uses a small camera to explore the colon. Sometimes they also need a stool sample to help diagnose the condition.

Lifestyle choices



Eating disorders

An eating disorder is when a person adjusts their eating habits and behaviors based on an unhealthy body image. It can cause nausea and vomiting.

Bulimia是一种饮食障碍,其中一个人诱导呕吐呕吐,以吹扫任何消耗的食物的胃。人们anorexiamay also feel nausea due to starvation and excess stomach acid.



If you’re persistently vomiting, go see your doctor.



Seek emergency care for any child under 6 years old who:

  • 有呕吐和腹泻
  • hasprojectile vomiting
  • 显示出症状dehydration,如皱纹的皮肤,烦躁,弱脉冲,或意识减少
  • has been vomiting for more than two or three hours
  • 发烧超过100°F(38°C)
  • 在超过六个小时内没有尿尿

Over 6 years old

Seek emergency care for children over 6 years old if:

  • vomiting has lasted for more than 24 hours
  • 有脱水的症状
  • the child hasn’t urinated in more than six hours
  • 孩子出现使困惑orlethargic
  • 孩子的发烧高于102°F(39°C)





To treat nausea at home:

  • 仅消耗光,普通食物,如面包和饼干。
  • Avoid any foods that have strong flavors, are very sweet, or are greasy or fried.
  • Drink cold liquids.
  • Avoid any activity after eating.
  • 喝一杯ginger tea.

Self-treatment for vomiting

  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals.
  • 喝大量清澈的液体以保持水合,但一次将其用小啜饮。
  • Avoid solid foods of any kind until vomiting stops.
  • 休息。
  • Avoid using medications that may upset your stomach, such asnonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugsorcorticosteroids.
  • Use an oral rehydration solution to replace lost electrolytes.


Before prescribing medication, you doctor will ask you questions about when the nausea and vomiting began and when it’s at its worst. They may also ask you about your eating habits and whether anything makes the vomiting and nausea better or worse.

A number of prescription medications can control nausea and vomiting, including medications you can use during pregnancy. These includepromethazine(Phenergan),二酚胺(Benadryl),三甲酰胺(Tigan)和ondansetron(Zofran)。


However, persistent vomiting can cause dehydration and营养不良. You may also find that your hair and nails become weak and brittle, and that constant vomiting decays your tooth enamel.

You can avoid nausea by eating smaller meals throughout the day, eating slowly, and resting after eating. Some people find that avoiding certain food groups and spicy foods prevents nausea.


If you’re vomiting, try to drink small amounts of a sugary liquid, such as a soda or fruit juice. Drinking ginger ale or eating ginger can help settle your stomach. Avoid acidic juices, such as orange juice. They may upset your stomach further.

超柜台药物,如meclizine(Bonine) and dimenhydrinate (Dramamine), can lessen the effects of motion sickness. Limit snacks during car rides and look straight out of a front window if you’re prone to motion sickness.