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In many cases, hives are an acute (temporary) problem that may be alleviated with allergy medications. Most rashes go away on their own. However, chronic (ongoing) cases, as well as hives accompanied by a severe allergic reaction, are larger medical concerns.

Hives are usually caused by an过敏反应到您遇到或吞咽的东西。当您有过敏反应时,您的身体开始将组胺释放到血液中。组胺是您的身体产生的化学物质,以防御自身的感染和其他外部入侵者。不幸的是,在某些人中,组胺可能会导致荨麻疹肿胀,瘙痒和许多经历的症状。就过敏原而言,蜂箱可能是由花粉,药物,食物,动物皮屑和昆虫叮咬等因素引起的。

Hives might also be caused by circumstances besides allergies. It’s not uncommon for people to experience hives as the result of stress, tight clothes, exercise, illnesses, or infections. It’s also possible to develop hives as the result of excessive exposure to hot or cold temperatures or from irritation due to excessive sweating. As there are several potential triggers, many times the actual cause of hives cannot be determined.

People who are known to have allergies are more likely to get hives. You may also be at risk to develop hives if you are on medication or if you are unknowingly exposed to things you may be allergic to, such as food or pollen. If you are already ill with an infection or a health condition, you may be more vulnerable to developing hives.

The most noticeable symptom associated with hives is the welts that appear on the skin. Welts may be red, but can also be the same color as your skin. They can be small and round, ring-shaped, or large and of random shape. Hives are itchy, and they tend to appear in batches on the affected part of the body. They can grow larger, change shape, and spread.


Hives can occur in a variety of places on the body. Call 911 or seek medical attention immediately if you develop a hive outbreak around your throat or on your tongue or have trouble breathing along with hives.



  • foods (such as nuts, milk, and eggs)
  • 宠物皮屑
  • pollen
  • 尘螨
  • 昆虫咬伤
  • medications (primarily antibiotics, cancer drugs, and ibuprofen)

温和的情况下引起的荨麻疹过敏迪比卡lly treated with long- or short-term allergy medications and avoidance of the trigger.


Anaphylaxisis a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction. In this condition, hives are often accompanied with breathing difficulties, nausea or vomiting, severe swelling, and dizziness. Call 911 immediately if you suspect anaphylaxis.

Chronic hives

慢性蜂箱正在进行的情况不一定是可识别的原因。也称为慢性荨麻疹,这种情况以反复出现的蜂箱的特征,可以干扰您的生活方式。根据Mayo Clinic, these can last between six weeks and several months or years.


  • 腹腔疾病
  • lupus
  • type 1 diabetes
  • 类风湿关节炎
  • 甲状腺疾病




有时温度变化可以引起荨麻疹in people who are sensitive to such changes. Cold-induced hives may occur from cold water or air exposure, while body heat from physical activity may cause exercise-induced hives. Exposure to sunlight or tanning beds may also bring about solar hives in some people.


Bothviral and bacterial infectionscan cause hives. Common bacterial infections causing hives include urinary tract infections and strep throat. Viruses that cause infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis, and colds often cause hives.

The first step in getting treatment is to figure out if you actually have hives. In most cases, your doctor will be able to determine if you have hives from a physical exam. Your skin will show signs of the welts that are associated with hives. Your doctor may also perform blood tests or skin tests to determine what may have caused your hives — especially if they were the result of an allergic reaction.

You may not need prescription treatment if you’re experiencing a mild case of hives not related to allergies or other health conditions. In these circumstances, your doctor might suggest that you seek temporary relief by:

Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency that needs to be treated immediately by a physician.


Simple changes to your lifestyle may be able to help you prevent hives from reoccurring in the future. If you have allergies and you know which substances are likely to cause an allergic reaction, your doctor will suggest that you avoid any possible exposure to these factors. Allergy shots are another option that may help you reduce the risk of experiencing hives again.


