A drop or two could keep those sugar cravings in check.

一些痛苦的限制你的甜蜜的嘟嘟声h cravings.

Research has found that consuming bitter foods shuts down the receptors in our brains that drive us to desire and consume sugar.Bitter foodsand plants can help slow the absorption of sugar and regulate blood sugar levels.

Bitter foods also help suppress the appetite and have a positive effect on healthy eating habits and calorie intake. This is because consuming bitter food stimulates the release of hormones like PYY and GLP-1. These hormones are responsible for controlling the appetite 并在海湾保持渴望。

Therefore, bitters in general are a great weapon to control sugar cravings. Almost all bitters will work for this, as long as they contain bittering agents and not just aromatics. Common bittering agents include:

  • artichoke leaf
  • burdock root
  • dandelion root
  • 柑橘皮
  • 甘草
  • gentian root
  • wormwood


  • 1 oz. dried burdock root
  • 1/2盎司。干蒲公英根
  • 1 tsp. dried orange peel
  • 1 tbsp. fennel seeds
  • 1 tbsp. juniper berries
  • 2茶匙。豆蔻种子
  • 8 oz. alcohol (recommended: 100 proof vodka)


  1. Combine first 6 ingredients in a mason jar. Pour alcohol on top.
  2. 密封紧紧。存放在凉爽的黑暗的地方。
  3. 让BITTERS注入直至达到所需的强度,约2-4周。定期摇晃罐子(每天约一次)。
  4. 准备就绪时,将苦味留在浓咖啡馆或咖啡滤光片中。在室温下将紧张的容器中的应变苦味料。

To use:Mix a few drops into club soda for a refreshing drink that snuffs sugar cravings as soon as they start.

Tiffany La Forge is a professional chef, recipe developer, and food writer who runs the blogParsnips and Pastries。她的博客侧重于真正的食物,为平衡的生活,季节性食谱和可接近的健康建议。当她不在厨房里,蒂芙尼喜欢瑜伽,徒步旅行,旅游,有机园艺,并与她的柯科,可可闲逛。拜访她的博客或者Instagram