

Some people with depression can be housebound for weeks or longer. There are plenty of reasons for this, depending on who you ask. For some, it’s self-hatred. For others, crushing fatigue. Depression has this power to zap not only your will, but also your physical ability to leave the house.

The energy required to go grocery shopping is out of reach. The fear that every person you run into will hate you is real. This thought loop of uncertainty creates an environment where it’s almost impossible to get out the front door.

Guilt is a perfectly normal feeling. If you do something you regret, guilt will follow. The thing with depression though, is that it can cause feelings of guilt overnothingor overeverything.

Feeling guilty is actually asymptom of depression这就是我体验抑郁症的原因,我觉得我正在接受世界的弊病。例如,有抑郁症的人可能会有罪,无法帮助那些是自然灾害的受害者的人,反过来让他们觉得他们毫无价值。

Of course, feeling guilty about things closer to home, such as feeling incredibly guilty over a disagreement, is even more common.

良好的卫生应该是给出的。每天淋浴或靠近它。刷牙,做你的头发,照顾你的身体。但是,当抑郁症来临时,那些受影响的人可能会停止淋浴 - 即使是剧集那么长时间也是如此。它听起来很“粗糙”,但这就是抑郁症的所作所为。它可以让某人太病了淋浴。

Sometimes the pounding water is physically painful. Sometimes getting naked hurts. The idea of a shower can bring on feelings of worthlessness. You may not even feel like you’re worthy of being clean. The same goes for other tasks like brushing your teeth or washing your face.

Depression may simply turn acts of self-care into draining activities we simply don’t have the energy to do.

People need about八小时的睡眠一个夜晚,对吧?好吧,这可能是真的,但严重抑郁症的人可能会难以整天睡觉。




Much like the daunting task of taking a shower — vacuuming, dusting, and cleaning can seem right out of the question. Apathy is a common feeling with depression. Some depressed people may not even feel worthy of a clean living environment.

冷漠可以麻痹我们的感官和擦除腐烂的气味,因为我们认为我们属于垃圾。或者我们认为我们稍后可以做到,因为我们认为抑郁症可能会通过。抑郁症占据了我们的大部分能源 - 情感和物理 - 我们必须选择我们如何使用它,有时会在优先级列表的底部留下清洁。

It’s not the greatest to have these things in common — for these to be things that people with depression bond and empathize over. But hopefully this helps others who don’t know what it’s like to understand why we might fall off the radar or show up a little unkempt sometimes. We’re fighting these feelings every day.


娜塔莎特雷西is a renowned speaker and award-winning writer. Her blog, Bipolar Burble, consistently places among the top 10 health blogs online. Natasha is also an author with the acclaimed Lost Marbles: Insights into My Life with Depression & Bipolar to her credit. She is considered a major influencer in the area of mental health. She has written for many sites including HealthyPlace, HealthLine, PsychCentral, The Mighty, Huffington Post and many others.

Find Natasha onBipolar Burble,Facebook,推特,Google+,赫芬顿邮报, and her亚马逊页面。