麦肯锡·乔丹(McKinsey Jordan/Stocksy United)

I know from personal experience that telecommunicating with a loved one who has Alzheimer’s disease can be frustrating and emotional.



Through training, trial, and error, I also learned effective techniques for communicating with people in various stages of the disease.

Communicating in person with someone who has Alzheimer’s disease has its challenges, but virtual communication? That’s another story.



I knew that the first step to easier video chatting with my grandma was to understand what was causing her difficulties in the first place.

一个lzheimer’s diseaseis much more than memory loss. It’s believed to account for60%至80%of cases ofdementia.



They may not even understand that they can interact with the screen or that it’syou首先在屏幕上。

Kari Burch, OTD, an occupational therapist at记忆护理家庭解决方案, has been providing telehealth to people with Alzheimer’s since the beginning of the pandemic.


  • 降低语言处理技能
  • visual-perceptual changes
  • 一般而言,处理时间较慢
  • 减少耐心和增加的烦躁
  • 迷失方向和混乱
  • difficulty navigating technology

“If it’s difficult to comprehend what you’re saying, it’s difficult to interact and answer questions appropriately,” Burch says.


祖母患有痴呆症的职业治疗师Andrea Bennett,OTD,他指出,现代技术与记忆丧失相结合可能是一场完美的风暴。

“Most individuals who currently have dementia did not grow up with the modern technology we’re used to in our daily lives, so just the computer or phone itself may be a foreign concept to them,” she says.


Due to the pandemic, it’s Facetime with my grandma for the foreseeable future. In the beginning, it was rough.





The first step to easier telecommunication with someone who has Alzheimer’s disease is to call at the right time of day. That’s when your loved one is rested and most alert.

一个ccording to the阿尔茨海默氏症协会, Alzheimer’s disease affects the sleep-wake cycle. I’ve noticed this with my grandma, and I definitely noticed this when I worked at a memory care facility.

Changes include:

  • sleeping longer
  • 晚上睡觉困难
  • 白天小睡
  • drowsiness during the day


My grandma tends to get out of bed late in the day, around 11 a.m. or noon. She is most alert in the early afternoon, so this is when I call. Since she lives in assisted living, I also avoid calling at mealtimes or when there are group activities.


Know that finding the best time of day to call might take some trial and error, and it might change as their disease progresses. Talking to caregivers or keeping a calendar of symptoms can help you find the best time to call.

2. Avoid calling after sunset

Everyone experiences Alzheimer’s differently. While there are no hard and fast rules, you might find it helpful to avoid calling after sunset.



“A person with dementia might put a lot of energy into their day trying to [orient themselves], or how to complete tasks we take for granted, like eating, moving around, and getting dressed,” she says. “When your brain isn’t working at its best, all these tasks take a lot more effort and can tire one out more easily.”

Not everyone with Alzheimer’s disease experiences sundowning. If your loved one does, call in the morning or early afternoon when they might feel more oriented.

There are also strategies to减少日落.


It’s easier said than done, but one of the best things you can do to aid communication is simplifying your language.

一个ccording to Bennett, “Usually we add a lot of fluff and storytelling to our main point, but individuals with dementia might get lost in all that fluff.”

Try using as few words as possible with simple, common phrases. Cut out modifiers and shorten your sentences. Bennett even recommends pairing visual supports like pictures or props over video chat to get your point across.

I’ve found that avoiding open-ended questions can help.

I ask yes or no questions or give two options. This can help prevent overwhelm and limit the cognitive resources required to communicate, saving energy for the rest of the conversation.

Do say…

  • “Hi, Grandma. I have something to tell you. It’s important. (Pause) I got a new job!”


  • “You know how I was working at that one place, and then I started looking for a new job because I wanted to move? Well, I got a few interviews and now I’m working at a new office.”


Slowing down is another important change you can make to the way you speak. This is especially true over phone or video when you might face connectivity issues or lag.

I can vouch that this will feel awkward at first, but the benefits can be profound.


It feels unnatural to sit in silence after saying something, but what might feel to me like an awkward silence is actually an important tool.


经过slowing down and incorporating more conscious pauses in our conversations, I’ve noticed that my grandma speaks up more.

5. Incorporate gestures

Communication isn’t just verbal. Nonverbal communication tactics like gesture and touch are also important, especially for people with Alzheimer’s.


在电话里说话的时候,我们失去了t的能力o gesture. Our conversations may suffer as a result. Try chatting over video and adding in gestures to your conversations.

Burch recommends gestures like:

  • waving
  • giving a thumbs-up
  • 给出“确定”标志
  • “talking” with your hands
  • facial expressiveness
  • pointing to objects you’re talking about
  • using fingers to list things (like first, second, and third)
  • indicating size with the distance between your fingers or hands

Burch offers an example. Instead of saying, “Thank you so much, that means so very much to me,” you could say, “Thank you,” place your hand on your heart, and offer a meaningful smile.


If they seem at a loss for words, remind them that they can point to an object and you’ll be able to see them do that through the screen.



While everyone is different, memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease does follow a pattern.

一个ccording to the阿尔茨海默氏症协会, short-term memory loss of newly learned information is a feature of early Alzheimer’s. As the disease progresses, long-term memories such as important past events, dates, and relationships may be affected too.


I knew that I had to change our conversation topics.



7. Talk about the distant past

Memory loss may be a central feature of Alzheimer’s disease, but it’s still possible to talk about the past.



Burch points out that if it’s a shared memory, it doesn’t necessarily matter if your loved one remembers.

“It will be nice for them to hear about how muchyouenjoy remembering it,” she says.

Burch gives examples, like talking about the apple pie your loved one made that you enjoyed so much, or how hard she worked as a lawyer and how that inspired you.

“This may spark some memories or pride that will be enjoyable to talk about together,” she says.


一个 2018 randomized controlled trial found that among older adults with Alzheimer’s, reminiscence improved抑郁症状,认知功能和生活质量得分。


Sharing photos can spark memories and conversation.


Music is another great tool, especially if your loved one enjoyed a specific genre, artist, or song in the past.

研究支持这一点。一个2018 systematic review发现音乐可以改善阿尔茨海默氏症患者的记忆缺陷,还有2015 systematic reviewfound that music can reduce anxiety for people with dementia.

有趣的是,我已经看到了从事记忆护理设施工作的音乐的影响。一旦我扮演弗兰克·辛纳屈(Frank Sinatra),那些完全不受欢迎的人就会振作起来。他们经常会开始唱歌和微笑。


On the other hand, while sensory experiences can definitely enhance a video call, they can also create added confusion.





It helps me to remember that if my grandma is asking a question for what seems like the millionth time to me, it is actually the “first time” to her. I put myself in her shoes and go with it.

You may also notice that your loved one doesn’t remember their spouse passed away, or other tragic events from the past. Don’t correct them.

I know this can be painful and emotional, especially if that person was your parent or grandparent. But reminding your loved one of their deceased spouse will force them to go through the grief all over again.

贝内特说:“没有人喜欢被告知他们错了。”“Remember that the goal of connecting with your loved one isn’t to get them to remember who you are… a positive interaction is much more pleasant than reminding someone over and over again that they are wrong, to the point of frustration on both ends.”

Despite the challenges, communicating with someone who has Alzheimer’s disease can still be joyful. Unlocking a memory or calling on a particularly good day can almost feel like magic.


Sarah Bence是职业治疗师(OTR/L)和自由作家,主要关注健康,健康和旅行主题。她的写作可以在商业内部人士,内部人士,孤独的星球,福托尔的旅行等中看到。她还写了关于无麸质的,腹腔安全的旅行EndlessDistances.com.