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Walking can offer numerous health benefits to people of all ages and fitness levels. It may also help prevent certain diseases and even prolong your life.

Walking is free to do and easy to fit into your daily routine. All you need to start walking is a sturdy pair of walking shoes.



你的实际卡路里燃烧will depend on several factors, including:

  • walking speed
  • distance covered
  • terrain (you’ll burn more calories walking uphill than you’ll burn on a flat surface)
  • your weight

You can determine your actual calorie burn through a卡路里计算器。对于一般估计,您也可以参考this chart

Walking at least 30分钟 一天,每周五天可以降低风险coronary heart diseaseby about 19 percent 。And your risk may reduce even more when you increase the duration or distance you walk per day.

Taking a short walk after eating may help lower your blood sugar.

Asmall study发现每天花15分钟步行三次(早餐,午餐和晚餐后)改善血糖水平,而不是在白天的另一点散步45分钟。

More research is needed to confirm these findings, though.


Walking can help protect the joints, including your knees and hips. That’s because it helps lubricate and strengthen the muscles that support the joints.

步行也可能为生活中的人们提供益处,例如减少疼痛。和步行5 to 6 miles一个星期也可以帮助预防关节炎。


One学习tracked 1,000 adults during flu season. Those who walked at a moderate pace for 30 to 45 minutes a day had 43 percent fewer sick days and fewer upper respiratory tract infections overall.



Going for a walk when you’re tired may be amore effective能量升高而不是抓一杯咖啡。

Walking increases oxygen flow through the body. It can also increase levels of cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. Those are the hormones that help elevate energy levels.

步行可以帮助你的心理健康。 学习 显示它可以帮助减少焦虑,抑郁和消极情绪。它还可以提高自尊,减少社会退出的症状。

To experience these benefits, aim for 30 minutes of brisk walking or other moderate intensity exercise three days a week. You can also break it up into three 10-minute walks.

Walking at a faster pace could extend your life.Researchersfound that walking at an average pace compared to a slow pace resulted in a 20 percent reduced risk of overall death.

But walking at a brisk or fast pace (at least 4 miles per hour) reduced the risk by 24 percent. The study looked at the association of walking at a faster pace with factors like overall causes of death, cardiovascular disease, and death from cancer.

Walking can strengthen the muscles in your legs. To build up more strength, walk in a hilly area or on a treadmill with an incline. Or find routes with stairs.

Also trade off walking with other cross-training activities like cycling or jogging. You can also perform resistance exercises like squats, lunges, and leg curls to further tone and strengthen your leg muscles.

Walking may help clear your head and help you think creatively.

A学习that included four experiments compared people trying to think of new ideas while they were walking or sitting. Researchers found participants did better while walking, particularly while walking outdoors.


Try to initiate a walking meeting with your colleagues the next time you’re stuck on a problem at work.


  • Walk in areas designated for pedestrians. Look for well-lit areas if possible.
  • If you walk in the evening or early morning hours, wear a reflective vest or light so cars can see you.
  • Wearsturdy shoeswith good heel and arch support.
  • 穿宽松,舒适的衣服。
  • 在步行前后喝大量的水,以保持水分。
  • 穿防晒霜,以防止晒伤,即使在阴天的日子里也是如此。

To get started walking, all you’ll need is a pair of sturdy walking shoes. Choose a walking route near your home. Or look for a scenic place to walk in your area, such as a trail or on the beach.


  • If you commute, get off your bus or train one stop early and walk the rest of the way to work.
  • 公园远离您的办公室而不是惯常,然后往返车辆。
  • Consider walking instead of driving when you run errands. You can complete your tasks and fit in exercise at the same time.



Choose a walking route and daily step goal that’s appropriate for your age and fitness level.
