

Atrial flutterAFIB.当电信号发生的速度比正常速度快时都是引起的。两个条件之间的最大区别在于如何组织该电气活动。

People with AFib or atrial flutter may not experience any symptoms. If symptoms do occur, they are similar:

Symptom Atrial fibrillation Atrial flutter
rapid pulse rate usually rapid usually rapid
不规则脉搏 always irregular 可以是常规的或不规则的
头晕或昏厥 是的 是的
心悸(像心脏一样竞争或冲击) 是的 是的
气促 是的 是的
weakness or fatigue 是的 是的
chest pain or tightness 是的 是的
increased chance of blood clots and stroke 是的 是的



在Afib,你的两个顶级室(atria) receive disorganized electrical signals.

The atria beat out of coordination with the bottom two chambers of your heart (ventricles). This leads to a rapid and irregular heart rhythm. A normal heart rate is 60 to 100 beats per minute (bpm). In AFib, the heart rate ranges from 100 to 175 bpm.

Atrial flutter

In atrial flutter, your atria receive organized electrical signals, but the signals are faster than normal. The atria beat more frequently than the ventricles (up to 300 bpm). Only every second beat gets through to the ventricles.

The resulting pulse rate is around 150 bpm. Atrial flutter creates a very specific “sawtooth” pattern on a diagnostic test known as anelectrocardiogram (EKG).

Keep reading: How your heart works »

Risk factors for atrial flutter and AFib are very similar:

Risk factor AFIB. Atrial flutter
abnormal heart valves
chronic lung disease
serious infections
misuse of alcohol or drugs
sleep apnea




  • calcium channel blockers andBeta-遭到拦截器to regulate the heart rate
  • amiodarone, propafenone, and flecainide to convert the rhythm back to normal
  • blood-thinning medications如非维生素K口服抗凝剂(NOAC)或华法林(Coumadin) to prevent stroke or heart attack

NOACs are now recommended over warfarin unless the person has moderate to severe mitral stenosis or has an artificial heart valve. NOACs include dabigatran (Pradaxa), rivaroxaban (Xarelto), apixaban (Eliquis) and edoxaban (Savaysa).

Electrical cardioversion: This procedure uses an electrical shock to reset the rhythm of your heart.

Catheter ablation: Catheterablation使用射频能量摧毁心脏内部的区域,导致心脏的心律异常。

Atrioventricular(AV)节点消融: This procedure uses radio waves to destroy the AV node. The AV node connects the atria and ventricles. After this type of ablation, you’ll need a起搏器to maintain a regular rhythm.

Maze surgery:Maze surgery是一个露天手术。外科医生在心脏的Atria中削减或烧伤。


Both AFib and atrial flutter involve faster than usual electrical impulses in the heart. However, there are a few main differences between the two conditions.
