What is a stroke?

A stroke is a medical emergency that happens when the blood flow to your brain is interrupted. Without blood, your brain cells start to die. This can cause serious symptoms, lasting disability, and even death.


There are three main types of stroke: transient ischemic attack, ischemic stroke, and hemorrhagic stroke. It’s estimated that87 percentof strokes are ischemic.

Transient ischemic attack

医生lso call a短暂性缺血攻击(TIA)a warning or ministroke. Anything that temporarily blocks blood flow to your brain causes a TIA. The blood clot and TIA symptoms last for a short period of time.


当血凝块阻止血液流向您的大脑时,会发生缺血性卒中。血凝块通常是由于atherosclerosis, which is a buildup of fatty deposits on the inner lining of a blood vessel. A portion of these fatty deposits can break off and block blood flow in your brain. The concept is similar to that of a heart attack, where a blood clot blocks blood flow to a portion of your heart.

缺血性卒中可以是栓塞的,这意味着血凝块从身体的另一部分到你的大脑行进。估计 15% of embolic strokes are due to a condition called心房颤动, where your heart beats irregularly.

A thrombotic stroke is an ischemic stroke caused by a clot forming in a blood vessel in your brain.


Hemorrhagic stroke

Ahemorrhagic strokeresults when a blood vessel in your brain ruptures or breaks, spilling blood into the surrounding tissues.


The different stroke types cause similar symptoms because each affects blood flow in your brain. The only way to determine what type of stroke you may be having is to seek medical attention. A doctor will order imaging tests to view your brain.

The 国家冲程协会 recommends the FAST method to help identify the warning signs of a stroke:

  • Face:当你微笑的时候,你的脸上有一边吗?
  • 武器:当你举起双臂时,一只手臂漂移吗?
  • Speech:Is your speech slurred? Are you having trouble talking?
  • Time:If you experience any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately.


  • sudden confusion, such as difficulty understanding what a person is saying
  • 难以走路,突然头晕,或失去协调
  • sudden, severe headache that doesn’t have any other known cause
  • difficulty seeing in one or both eyes


中风是一种医疗紧急状态的原因 - 它可以产生危及生命的后果。大脑控制人类生活的主要功能。没有血流量,你的大脑无法管理呼吸,血压等等。并发症可以根据笔划类型而变化,如果您能够成功接受治疗。并发症的例子包括:

Behavior changes:Having a stroke can contribute to depression or anxiety. You also may experience changes in your behavior, such as being more impulsive or more withdrawn from socializing with others.

言论困难:A stroke can impact areas of your brain having to do with speech and swallowing. As a result, you may have difficulty reading, writing, or understanding other people when they’re speaking.




Treatments for stroke depend on many factors. These include what kind it is and how long it lasted. The sooner you can seek help after a stroke, the more likely you’ll have a better recovery.


Treatments for TIA include taking medications that will help prevent future strokes. These medications includeantiplatelets and anticoagulants.

Antiplatelets降低了叫血小板的组件将粘在一起并导致凝块的可能性。Aspirinand clopidogrel (Plavix) are antiplatelet medications.

Anticoagulants are medications that reduce the buildup of clotting proteins. Several different types of these medications exist, including华法林(香豆素)和dabigatran(pradaxa)。

A doctor may also recommend a surgery called a carotid endarterectomy. This removes plaque buildup in the carotid artery of your neck, which is a major cause of stroke.


The ischemic stroke treatments you receive depend on how quickly you get to a hospital. They also depend on your individual medical history.

如果你在三个小时内寻求治疗type of stroke, your doctor may be able to give you a medication known as tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). This medication, which is delivered through an IV, can dissolve the clot. However, not all people can receive tPA due to risks for bleeding. Your doctor has to carefully consider your medical history before administering tPA.


Hemorrhagic stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke treatments involve trying to stop bleeding in your brain and reduce the side effects associated with brain bleeding. Side effects may includeincreased intracranial pressure. Surgical procedures include surgical clipping or coiling. These are designed to keep the blood vessel from bleeding further.



如果一个人有一个中风,他们的风险就会增加。它估计了 四分之一 在五年内,在中风的人将在另一个人内有另一个人。

There are many lifestyle changes you can adopt to reduce your risks of ever having a stroke or a reoccurrence. Examples include:

  • increasing physical activity
  • eating a healthy diet to maintain a normal weight for your height and build
  • 减少狂犬病饮酒和限制饮料,每天不超过一个男性每天一到两个人
  • 避免使用已知有助于卒中的非法药物,例如可卡因和甲基苯丙胺
  • 服用药物以减少血压并鼓励血糖控制
  • 如果你有连续的正气道压力面膜sleep apneato reduce the demands on your heart

Talk to your doctor about ways you can reduce your individual risk for stroke.