What is atrial fibrillation?

Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of心心律失常(irregular heartbeat) that can interrupt the normal flow of blood. This interruption means the condition puts you at risk of blood clots and stroke.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 12.1 million U.S. adults will have atrial fibrillation (AFib or AF) by 2030. The American Heart Association estimates that 2.7 million U.S. adults currently have AFib.

With AFib, the two upper chambers of your heart (atria) are affected. This disrupts blood flow to the ventricles or the lower chambers, and then throughout the rest of your body.

If left untreated, AFib can be deadly.

Atrial fibrillation may be temporary, may come and go, or may be permanent. It’s also most common in adults over the age of 65 。但是通过适当的医疗保健,您可以过正常,积极的生活。


The average heart rate for a healthy person over age 10 is between60 and 100 beats per minute。If your heart rate climbs higher or drops lower, this may be a sign of an irregular heartbeat.

You may also have the sensation that your heart is skipping a beat, fluttering, or beating too hard. These sensations are known as palpitations.


These symptoms can come and go based on the severity of your condition.

For example,阵发性AFIB.is a type of atrial fibrillation that resolves on its own without medical intervention. But you may need to take medication to prevent future episodes and potential complications.

Overall, you might experience symptoms of AFib for several minutes or hours at a time. Symptoms that continue over several days could indicate chronic AFib.

Tell a doctor about any symptomsyou’re experiencing, especially if there’s a change. It’s also possible to not experience any symptoms at all.

你可能不需要治疗,如果你没有信谊ptoms, if you don’t have other heart problems, or if the atrial fibrillation stops on its own.

If you do require treatment, a doctor may recommend the following types of medications:

  • beta-blockersto decrease your heart rate
  • calcium channel blockersto relax arterial muscles and decrease overall heart rate
  • 钠或钾通道阻挡者控制心律
  • Digitalis糖苷,以加强您的心脏收缩
  • blood thinnersto prevent blood clots from forming

非维生素K口服抗凝血剂(Noacs)是AFIB的优选血液稀释剂。它们包括rivaroxaban(Xarelto) andapixaban(珍贵)。

Generally, the purpose of taking medications for AFib is to normalize your heart rate and promote better heart function overall.

These medications can also prevent possibleblood clotsin the future, as well as related complications such as heart attack and stroke. Depending on your condition, a doctor may recommendmultiple AFib medications.

The heart contains four chambers: two atria and two ventricles.

Atrial fibrillation happens when these chambers don’t work together as they should because of faulty electrical signaling.

Normally, the atria and ventricles contract at the same speed. In atrial fibrillation, the atria and ventricles are out of sync because the atria contract very quickly and irregularly.

The cause of atrial fibrillation isn’t always known. One major factor is stress, including physical and mental or emotional. Stress makes abnormal electrical activity in the heart more likely to occur. It can also make your body tenser and even lead to changes in the speed of your heartbeat.

In some cases, otherwise healthy bodily fluctuations may lead to AFib.

For example, a 2017 study noted that the use of estrogen monotherapy during menopause may increase risk of AFib.

Conditions that can cause damage to the heart and lead to atrial fibrillation include:


  • cold medications
  • nasal spray decongestants
  • 咖啡因
  • alcohol
  • smoking


An overall healthy lifestyle may decrease your risk of AFib, but not all causes are preventable. It’s important to tell a doctor about your full health history so they can better确定原因of your AFib and are better able to treat it.


Talk with a doctor about the following risk factors:

  • 增加年龄(年龄越大,风险越高)
  • being male
  • 心房颤动的家族史
  • heart disease
  • structural heart defects
  • congenital heart defects
  • pericarditis
  • history of heart attacks
  • 心脏手术的历史
  • 甲状腺条件
  • 代谢综合征
  • obesity
  • lung disease
  • diabetes
  • drinking alcohol, especially binge drinking
  • 睡眠呼吸暂停
  • high-dose steroid therapy


严重的并发症包括heart failureand中风。Medications and lifestyle habits can both help prevent these in people with AFib.

A stroke happens as a result of a blood clot in the brain. This deprives your brain of oxygen, which can lead to permanent damage. Strokes can also be fatal.


In people with AFib, heart failure develops over time. It’s not a sudden occurrence like a heart attack or stroke might be.


Take all your medications as prescribed by a doctor, and learn about possibleAFIB并发症and their symptoms.



  • a physical exam to check your pulse, blood pressure, and lungs
  • anelectrocardiogram (EKG), a test that records the electrical impulses of your heart for a few seconds

If atrial fibrillation doesn’t occur during the EKG, a doctor may have you wear a portable EKG monitor or try another type of test.


  • Holter monitor, a small portable device you wear for 24 to 48 hours to monitor your heart
  • event monitor, a device that records your heart only at certain times or when you’re having symptoms of AFib
  • echocardiogram, a noninvasive test that uses sound waves to produce a moving image of your heart
  • 过度异常的超声心动图,通过在食道中放置探针来执行的超声心动图的侵入式版本
  • stress test,它在运动期间监测你的心脏
  • chest X-rayto view your heart and lungs
  • blood tests to check for thyroid and metabolic conditions

For chronic or severe AFib, surgery may be a recommended option.

There are different types of surgeries that target the heart muscle to help it pump blood more efficiently. Surgery may also help prevent heart damage.


Electrical cardioversion

In this procedure, a brief electrical shock resets the rhythm of your heart contractions.


In catheter ablation, a catheter delivers radio waves to the heart to destroy the abnormal tissue that sends out irregular impulses.

Atrioventricular (AV) node ablation

Radio waves destroy the AV node, which connects the atria and ventricles in this procedure. Then the atria can no longer send signals to the ventricles.

A pacemaker is inserted to maintain a regular rhythm.

Maze surgery

This is an invasive surgery that can be either open-heart or through small incisions in the chest, during which the surgeon makes small cuts or burns in the heart’s atria to create a “maze” of scars that will prevent abnormal electrical impulses from reaching other areas of the heart.

This surgery is only used in cases when other treatments were unsuccessful.



Most cases of atrial fibrillation can be managed or treated. But atrial fibrillation tends to reoccur and get worse over time.

You can reduce your risk of atrial fibrillation by doing the following:

  • eat a diet that’s rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and low in saturated and trans fat
  • 经常锻炼
  • maintain a moderate weight
  • avoid smoking
  • 避免饮酒或仅偶尔喝少量酒精
  • follow a doctor’s advice for treating any underlying health conditions that you have

The most common complications of AFib are strokes and heart failure.

If you have AFib and aren’t taking proper medication, you are five times more likely to have a stroke than people who don’t have AFib.

While there’s no set diet for atrial fibrillation, dietary concerns for AFib focus on heart-healthy foods instead.

An AFib diet will likely include more plant-based foods, such as oats, fruits, and vegetables.

Fish is also a good source of protein, and its omega-3 fatty acid content makes it especially good for the heart.

Foods and substances can make AFib worse. These include:

  • 酒精,特别是在狂欢饮酒时
  • 咖啡因,作为咖啡,苏打水,茶和其他来源可以让你的心脏变得更加困难
  • 葡萄柚,可以干扰afib药物
  • gluten, which can increase inflammation if you have an allergy or sensitivity
  • salt and saturated fats
  • vitamin K-rich foods, such as dark leafy greens, as these can interfere with the blood-thinning medicationwarfarin(香豆素)


Talk with a doctor aboutan eating planfor your condition.

Aside from dietary recommendations, a doctor may also suggest certain supplements if you’re low in key nutrients vital to heart health.

Talk with a doctor before taking any additional supplements because these could have side effects or interact with medications.

Some of the补充used for AFib include:

  • magnesium
  • fish oil
  • coenzyme Q10
  • wenxin keli
  • taurine
  • hawthorn berry

Other natural treatments for AFib include healthy lifestyle habits, like exercise and stress reduction. Exercise is important for your heart health, but you’ll want to take it slow, especially if you’re new to working out.


Since stress can also affect your heart health, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy state of mind. Deep breathing exercises can alleviate everyday stresses, while a yoga class can help you achieve a deeper meditative state (with the bonus of muscle and flexibility).


Natural treatments may help AFib when used together with conventional medical treatments.

More research is needed to determine whether alternative treatments can help alone, so stick to your medical plan. Talk with a doctor how you can effectively incorporatenatural treatments进入目前的AFIB治疗计划。

The official guidelines for AFib, according to the American Heart Association , outline the treatment options based on your existing condition and medical history.

A doctor will likely use these when recommending a treatment plan.

In general, a combination of lifestyle habits and medications can help you prevent heart failure and stroke.

A doctor will also classify your AFib to determine if it’s acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term). Age, sex, and overall health will also determine individual risk factors.

Overall, your treatment will focus on:

  • 控制心率和节奏
  • 评估中风风险
  • assessing risk of bleeding

Sometimes, AFib can be confused with flutters. The symptoms are similar, including rapid heart rate and irregular pulse.

While both affect the same heart chambers and result in arrhythmias, these are two different conditions.


Healthy lifestyle habits and medications can help both conditions. A doctor will help you distinguish betweenAFib and atrial fluttersso you can treat each one accordingly.