Some experts say deaths and hospitalizations are better benchmarks of the COVID-19 pandemic than new cases. Francine Orr/Los Angeles Times via GettyImages
  • Health officials have been reporting lately that the average daily number of new COVID-19 cases is rising in the United States.
  • 然而,一些专家表示,重点应该转向Covid-19住院和死亡,作为大流行地位的主要指标。
  • 他们说这是因为接种疫苗的人之间几乎所有新案例都不会发展成严重疾病,因此计数案件变得不那么重要。

As the world gets closer to its third year with the COVID-19 pandemic and the more than500万人死亡它造成的是,越来越多的专家说,这种疾病在这里留下来,是时候开始在新的光线中看着小型冠状病毒。

Specifically, they say it’s time to measure the pandemic’s impact by shifting how we look at the statistics.



“It’s always been the way we should have been looking at it,”Dr. William Schaffner田纳西州Vanderbilt University的传染病教授告诉健康线。雷竞技app官网“住院和死亡者比新案件更好。”


Dr. Monica Gandhi是旧金山加州大学的传染病专家和医学教授。

她写了一个op-ed.本月在《旧金山纪事报》说,among other things, that herd immunity is no longer achievable, and we need to rethink the notion of tracking COVID-19 by new cases.


But with more vaccines becoming available as well as new antiviral drugs effective at limiting COVID-19’s severity, Gandhi said case rates are no longer an effective barometer in measuring our pandemic response.

The pandemic is widespread enough that most people will be exposed to the coronavirus at some point, so the sooner we get used to the idea, the sooner we get back to normal, she said.

“The idea was, in general, if cases went up, numbers of people in the hospital went up,” Gandhi said. “Now, it’s not only de-linked, but it’s completely muddled. Cases and hospitalizations are no longer linked.”

Although COVID-19 remains a bigger threat than influenza, both are respiratory infections, Gandhi pointed out.

“We need to get everyone on board,” she said. “We’re never stomping out the flu or any other respiratory virus. We only did that with smallpox, and we wore that on our skin (meaning it was easier to diagnose visually).”



The way to regain some of that trust is realistically dealing with the novel coronavirus by opening things up and continuing to push vaccinations, especially as we see a typical uptick in cases coming this winter, Gandhi said.


