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With the new surge in COVID-19 cases across the country, those who aren’t yet vaccinated have a higher risk of transmission in many public places. Pollyana Ventura/Getty Images
  • 虽然Covid-19三角洲变体继续蔓延到全国各地,但未接触的人有增加发展疾病的风险。
  • Staying away from indoor places can help keep you safe if you haven’t received a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Getting vaccinated, practicing safety measures like mask wearing and physical distancing, and engaging in outdoor activities as much as possible can help reduce your risk.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit ourcoronavirus huband follow ourLive更新页面对于关于Covid-19大流行的最新信息。

由于Delta Variant,Covid-19案件在美国飙升。

According to data from约翰霍普金斯大学, during the last week of July, new cases increased in 48 states by at least 10 percent compared to the previous week.

New cases increased by 50 percent in 34 of the states that saw an increase.

“Covid-19的新三角洲变体现在占[超过]的80%的案件,它是高度传递的,”Kathi Kemper博士, professor at The Ohio State University College of Medicine and primary teacher for theAIHM fellowship, told Healthline.



She pointed out that, while it’s not impossible for a vaccinated individual to get a severe case of COVID-19 leading to hospitalization and even death, it’s extremely rare. Breakthrough cases do occur in a small number of vaccinated people, but they’re generally asymptomatic or result in mild illness.




“Anytime more people congregate, there is greater risk of exposure to the virus, from other unvaccinated people and even from a very small percentage of vaccinated people who might pass the virus along,” saidDr. Robert Amler,纽约医学院院长院长卫生科学及实践学院,疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病疾病学院院校和前首席医务人员和疾病注册表。

He added that susceptibility is ongoing until you get vaccinated or contract the virus — the latter of which is the more dangerous option.

“There is a lot of conflicting information out there. We all should try to look past the debates on TV and online, and instead encourage our friends and loved ones to get vaccinated as soon as possible. That has made the most difference so far, in easing the pandemic, and is still the best solution,” said Amler.



  • 坚持户外活动
  • 保持至少6英尺的距离
  • limit how long you spend around people you don’t live with


  • Covid-19在您的社区传播?
  • Will you have a potential close contact with someone who’s sick or anyone who’s not wearing a mask (and may be asymptomatic)?
  • Do you have a higher chance of severe illness?
  • Do you take everyday actions to protect yourself from developing COVID-19?


Bars and restaurants



And the whole point of being at a bar or restaurant is to drink, eat, and talk, which is hard to do with a mask on.

The CDC推荐 the following as alternatives to dining at a restaurant:

  • grab a curbside meal
  • 送食物
  • eat outside where the tables are spaced at least 6 feet apart

Movie theaters, concert halls, and churches


But like bars and restaurants, there are a lot of unknowns in terms of how many people will congregate at theaters or churches, who’s vaccinated, who’s been exposed to COVID-19, and who’s more vulnerable.

Before taking part in these activities, research how many people will attend, how long the event or service will be, and if physically distancing and mask wearing will be implemented.

If you decide the situation is too risky, consider the following alternatives:

  • a drive-in movie
  • a backyard movie on a projector or screen
  • an outdoor concert from your car or watching a virtual concert

As far as continuing to worship with your congregation, virtual services or outdoor gatherings with smaller groups of people who physically distance and wear masks are safer alternatives to indoor gatherings.