Most guidelines say it’s safe to see friends and family again 10 days after a positive test. Getty Images
  • Experts say a person who has recovered from COVID-19 should wait at least 10 days from the date of a positive test before going out in public again.
  • They note that recovery periods can vary from person to person in terms of length and how people feel.
  • 专家说,即使康复后,人们仍然应该戴口罩并在公共场合观察身体远处。

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our冠状病毒中心并跟随我们live updates pagefor the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

It’s a question being asked in homes across the United States as well as the rest of the world: When is it safe again to be near someone who’s had新冠肺炎

像其他传染病一样,恢复时间可能因人而异,但专家建议人们遵循 准则 issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“It is now generally thought that about 10 days after the test that’s positive, if you have no symptoms, no fever, you can be considered no longer contagious,”Dr. William Schaffner田纳西州范德比尔特大学的传染病专家告诉Healthline。雷竞技app官网




People who are immunocompromised should talk to their doctor about whether they need to stay isolated for more than 10 days. Those in this category can be with others after receiving two consecutive negative test results at least 24 hours apart.


“The symptoms can last quite some time so it’s not complete recovery, it’s resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications with progressive improvement or resolution of other symptoms,”Dean Blumberg博士加利福尼亚大学戴维斯大学儿童医院的小儿传染病负责人告诉Healthline。雷竞技app官网

“Just like with many other infectious diseases, some people recover very quickly and aren’t infectious to others and then in others the viral replication might linger on,” Blumberg said. “In general, I would follow these guidelines as a starting point for when you would consider going out but if you are still significantly symptomatic… for example having coughing or sneezing, it would be uncomfortable being out in public, people are going to treat you differently. Even if you’re not infectious I’m not sure people would appreciate that.”

Even if a person has recovered from COVID-19, experts advise they still be cautious when venturing outside of their home.

“一旦根据CDC准则清除了某人,他们应该采取与其他所有人相同的预防措施,因为我们只是不知道免疫力持续了多长时间。”Jaime Friedman博士在圣地亚哥的一名儿科医生告诉Healthline。雷竞技app官网“他们可能是孤立的,但应该继续与公众保持距离并戴上脸部覆盖。”

尽管有报道说有些人正在发展新冠肺炎twice, experts say it’s likely that if you are infected with the illness you are immune for a period of time.

But scientists don’t yet know how long COVID-19 antibodies will last in a person who has developed the disease.





“The safest contact with someone who you’re not quarantined at home with is contact that is outside, 6 feet apart, with everyone wearing a mask,” she added. “Significant exposure is considered less than 6 feet apart from someone for 15 minutes or more. Physical contact like hugging or kissing or sharing utensils is also considered significant exposure and should be avoided.”

Blumberg argues misinterpretation of social distancing guidelines has resulted in a spike in cases across the United States.

“At the end of May when some of the social distancing guidelines were relaxed, many people interpreted that as they no longer had to be careful and we saw an increase in visiting between households indoors, having parties, having gatherings, having social events and I think that’s directly lead to the increased number of cases that we’re seeing in many places. People are not following the science. They are following politics instead and that’s lead to a lot of confusion,” he said.


“Listen to the public health authorities, listen to the physicians. Listen to people who have genuine knowledge about this. Unfortunately, the wearing of masks and the response to the virus has become very politicized in this country,” he said.

“It’s fair to say that in most of the country, in most of the United States, we are struggling. We are not making good progress,” Schaffner added. “The virus is progressing, but the control efforts are not. It’s beyond a shame. It’s a scandal, it’s a disappointment, it’s profoundly sad. Beyond that, there are families who have lost family members. These were preventable deaths, preventable hospitalizations.”

Blumberg says all individuals, whether currently infected with COVID-19, recovered, or a friend or family member of someone in recovery, need to do their part to keep the community safe.

“This is the new normal and people just need to get used to it. It’s being a good community member. It’s caring about others within your family, within your community, within your state, and within your country to follow these recommendations and be hygienic. It’s the safe thing to do and it’s the right thing to do,” he said.