Health care providers take extra steps to avoid COVID-19 in New York City. Stephanie Keith/Getty Images

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Over 83,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and nearly 2,200 deaths make New York the hardest hit state by this pandemic.

Medical staff, EMTs, and other frontline workers report being overwhelmed by the outbreak.

纽约市现在有超过47,000确诊病例covid-19,大约是四分之一 current U.S. total. The highest number is in the borough of Queens, with nearly15,000 cases.

According to officialfigures, as of April 1, the death toll in New York City stands at 1,139.

“The really tragic [thing] is there are a lot of people who need hospital care that’s unrelated to the virus, they’re getting lost in the deluge or worse they’re getting lost in the deluge and they’re getting exposed,” an internal medicine resident at a large hospital in Queens, New York, told Healthline.


Normally bustling Fifth Avenue is empty as New Yorkers are ordered to stay home.
Noam Galai/Getty Images

Kecia Gaither博士, MPH, double board-certified in OB-GYN and Maternal Fetal Medicine, is director of perinatal services at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln, one of the premier trauma centers in the United States. She agreed to speak with Healthline about her experiences during the ongoing crisis.

When asked to describe what being on the front lines of this pandemic is like, she pointed to horror stories.

“I am a big Stephen King fan. This epidemic is something right out of his novel ‘The Stand,’” said Gaither, who’s based in the Bronx, where some of New York’s poorest neighborhoods are located.

“It’s surreal and frightening,” she said. “Not only do I have concerns for all of the patients, but I have concerns as to my health, and bringing this home to my family.”


“Once this pandemic began, I have isolated myself from my parents and family members — we talk/text daily. I am teaching them how to Skype, but there has been no contact for weeks,” Gaither said.

She also can’t understand why she still sees so many people not following社会疏远建议- 尽管每天报道了该病毒引起的死亡。

“什么不理解?降低接触会减少病毒蔓延,这减少了已经不知所措的医疗系统中出现的患者数量。”“社会疏远可以挽救生命 - 实际上可以挽救的生命可能是您的或朋友或家人。这不是演习 - 这是真实的。”

A makeshift hospital has opened in Central Park to treat people with COVID-19.
Misha Friedman/Getty Images

Hospitals across New York are reporting increases in deaths from COVID-19, sometimes overwhelming the hospital morgues.


“Over the last 24 hours, 13 people have passed away, but that is consistent with the number of ICU patients being treated there,” the Elmhurt hospital staff said in a陈述. “Staff are doing everything in our power to save every person who contracts COVID-19, but unfortunately this virus continues to take an especially terrible toll on the elderly and people with preexisting conditions. We need New Yorkers to do their part. Stay home.”

Colleen Smith博士在3月24日在Elmhurst录制的视频显示,成排成一排,里面有关键的Covid-19患者,挂在呼吸机上。

史密斯在录像中说:“从总统到卫生和医院负责人的各个办公室的领导人都在说我们会好起来的,一切都很好。”ABC News.

Smith recorded a row of five ventilators not being used at the time, and said that unless people die, “I expect we’ll be back to needing to beg for ventilators again in another day or two.”

But it’s not just Elmhurst — the situation is worsening throughout the city.

Gaither说:“整天上班时,我都会听到统计页面上的麻醉和呼吸疗法的统计页面 - 这意味着有人正在呼吸窘迫并需要插管 - 我整天都会听到这一点。”

Gaither added that space is also becoming an issue.


Gaither made a heartfelt plea to everyone who may not consider COVID-19 a significant threat.

“There have been scenes from Italy with people lying dead on the streets. I truly fear that scenario becoming a reality here in NYC, and what happens here is likely a forecast as to what the rest of the United States can expect to encounter.”

With more confirmed COVID-19 cases than anywhere else in the United States, staff and volunteers in New York hospitals are resorting tomaking their own face masksand fear they’ll soon contract the virus due to lack offollowing proper protocol.

据《据报道》报道New York Post.

Photos posted to social media by the邮政show staff at Mount Sinai West resorting to store-bought garbage bags to protect against transmission.


“I put a surgical mask overtop the N95 and then discard that. So I try to keep the surface clean,” he said. “I have a plastic eye shield that I wear that I’ve had for a week and I clean it with alcohol after I’ve been in heavy exposure areas,” explained the internal medicine resident.

“The yellow gowns that we wear over our scrubs, those are getting hard to find, because you can’t reuse those. You tear them when you take them off,” he said.

According to the anonymous internal medicine resident, COVID-19 affects both genders and all ages, but older people can have worse outcomes.

“The ones above 50, especially the ones with existing problems, most notably things like asthma or autoimmune disease that damage the lungs — they do not do well,” he said.


他强调:“有些人有相对健康的肺但心脏问题,而且他们的表现非常差。”“肺炎引起了很多关注 - 但越来越明显的是,这会引起心脏炎症。因此,我见过遭受原发性心脏症状的人。这些是60至70多年的历史。”

Triage is the process of deciding which patients should be treated first, based on degree of sickness or severity of injury.

Shortages of critical, life-saving equipment — like ventilators — means NY medical staff may have to make decisions that are potentially life ending for some people.

“During a public health crisis such as the current COVID-19 situation, healthcare systems may become stressed and resources scarce. Physicians and other healthcare professionals may be put in challenging positions to triage treatment,” saidDr. Robert McLean, MACP, president of the American College of Physicians (ACP) in an emailed statement.



But increasing numbers of cases could overwhelm the city’s scant resources, forcing health officials to make hard decisions regarding treatment.


纽约的Oculus通常充满购物者和通勤者,但在爆发期间仍然空无一人。Gabby Jones/Bloomberg通过Getty Images

Health officials say that COVID-19 is being contracted in nearly one out of every thousand people in New York State, and that this ‘attack rate’ is 5 times higher than experienced in the rest of the United States.



Experts say that the crisis in New York could rival severe conditions seen in Italy, and may be something we can expect to happen throughout the country.