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ModernA和国际艾滋病疫苗倡议(IAVI)已发起了实验性HIV疫苗的临床试验,该试验利用了某些COVID-19-19疫苗中使用的MRNA技术。Romy Arroyo Fernandez/Nurphoto通过Getty Images
  • Moderna has administered the first doses of its mRNA-based HIV vaccine to volunteers in a clinical trial.
  • The vaccine delivers instructions to HIV-specific antigens that could potentially induce certain immune responses.
  • The development of an HIV vaccine has taken decades, and the mRNA technology may help speed up the process.

使用Moderna的mRNA技术的实验性HIV疫苗的第一批剂量已向1阶段临床试验中的参与者提供announcedlast week.


These antigens, also known as immunogens, were developed by scientific teams at IAVI and Scripps Research. A“概念验证”审判last year found that one of these immunogens generated the desired immune response — priming the right kinds of B cells — in 97 percent of participants.



“We are tremendously excited to be advancing this new direction in HIV vaccine design with Moderna’s mRNA platform,” Dr. Mark Feinberg, president and CEO of IAVI, said in a陈述.

“The search for an HIV vaccine has been long and challenging, and having new tools, in terms of immunogens and platforms, could be the key to making rapid progress toward an urgently needed, effective HIV vaccine.”

新试验部分由Bill&Melinda Gates基金会, is the first step in the process of guiding the maturation of certain types of B cells.

The ultimate goal is stimulating the development of B cells that can produce broadly neutralizing antibodies that can target a broad range of HIV variants.

An eventual vaccine using this method will likely involve multiple doses given overweeks to years.

Researchers will enroll 56 healthy, HIV-negative adult volunteers in the current clinical trial. Of these, 48 will receive 1 or 2 doses of the priming immunogen vaccine, with 32 also receiving the boosting immunogen vaccine. Eight people will receive only the vaccine for the boosting immunogen.

In addition, researchers will follow participants for 6 months after their last dose to examine their immune responses and monitor for potential safety concerns.

它一直 almost 40 years since scientists identified the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as the cause of AIDS.

Since then, researchers have tried to develop an effective vaccine to protect against HIV — with several large-scale phase 3 clinical trials but no real success.

One challenge with developing an HIV vaccine is that once the virus infects a cell, it replicates wildly, so an effective vaccine would need to essentially block all infection.

“If [HIV] gets through to start an infection, even if somebody has been vaccinated, then that infection is life-long,” saidDr. Davey Smith,加州大学圣地亚哥分校的传染病专家和转化研究病毒学家。

甚至连COVID-19疫苗不提供这种of complete protection against infection. However, they still provide strong protection against severe illness, hospitalization, and death.

The bar for an HIV vaccine is higher because of the need to prevent lifelong infection with the virus.

There areeffective HIV medicines这可以减少体内病毒的复制,但并不能完全消除病毒。这些药物可以帮助人们长寿健康的生活,并降低将病毒传播给他人的风险。

Earlier attempts at HIV vaccines focused on inducing the immune system to make neutralizing antibodies that inactivate the virus, such as by preventing it from infecting cells.


每年,季节性 流感疫苗 必须进行更新以匹配预计将在社区中传播的病毒菌株。

In comparison, one学习估计流感病毒的遗传序列的全球多样性与单一病毒中发现的HIV序列的多样性相媲美。

The wide genetic variation of HIV makes it difficult to target the virus with a vaccine, because neutralizing antibodies generated in response to one vaccine might work only against a few HIV strains.

More recent HIV vaccine research has focused on developing vaccines than can generate broadly neutralizing antibodies that target parts of the virus’ surface that are the same across many strains.

This is the approach being taken by IAVI and Scripps scientists. The challenge lies in finding the best immunogens to guide the maturation of B cells so they will produce these broadly neutralizing antibodies.

Moderna’s mRNA technology may help speed up this process because much of the work of designing the vaccine can be done on a computer.

This ability helped researchers design candidate COVID-19 vaccines within days of Chinese scientists releasing the genetic sequence of SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

“We’ve seen promising proof of concept for germline targeting in [last year’s trial], and this trial lets us take that approach to the next stage,”William Schief, PhD, professor at Scripps Research, said in the statement.



“It’s a very, very high hill to climb for this new mRNA technology,” he said, “to generate a very broad and potent immune response to protect against HIV.”


“They set up these trials very smartly, in my opinion, to learn as much as they can,” he said. “What is the immunogen that makes the immune system really rev up? And what is going to help us protect people in the future from HIV exposures?”

He is also thankful for the renewed interest in finding a vaccine for HIV.

尽管世界卫生组织(WHO)赋予艾滋病毒“流行病”,但许多人认为should be called a “pandemic”由于全世界有数百万人居住在艾滋病毒中。
