女人在外面戴着KN95面具。 Share on Pinterest
When worn properly, KN95 masks offer strong protection against transmission of the coronavirus. Sergio Mendoza Hochmann/Getty Images
  • KN95 masks provide strong protection against transmission of COVID-19.
  • They work well because they can filter out 95 percent of airborne particles.
  • 专家建议穿每当你crowded public spaces.
  • It is important that you wear the mask properly to get the best protection.
  • Fake KN95 masks should be avoided since they may not keep you as safe from the coronavirus.

根据 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , masking is one of the critical tools we have available that can help prevent transmission of the coronavirus.

Masks are intended to contain any droplets or particles that escape when you breathe, cough, or sneeze. And, if they are worn properly and consistently, they are quite effective at this task.

However, some types of masks are better at this than others, with KN95 masks being one of the most effective that are widely available.


Shampa Chatterjee,博士,环境医学研究所副教授,宾夕法尼亚大学医学院的生理学系以及一名成员American Physiological Society, said KN95 masks are a type of mask that can capture 95 percent of particles in the air.

Chatterjee说:“当人类咳嗽,打喷嚏或说话时,释放了液滴(尺寸> 5至10微米)或气溶胶(尺寸≤5微米),它们可以保留并在空中行驶。”

She explained that, in people who have COVID-19, these droplets or aerosols contain the coronavirus, and KN95 masks protect wearers against such viral aerosols and droplets.






First of all, there is the filter fabric, she said.

“For KN95 and N95, the fabric is made of nylon, cotton, polyester, and polypropylene,” she said. “This makes it possible to filter tiny particles (droplets created when coughing, sneezing, or even talking) that carry the SARS-CoV-2 virus.”


“This ensures that droplets and particles from outside do not go inside the wearer’s nose and that droplets from the wearer do not leak around the mask,” said Chatterjee.

“There may be some discomfort from wearing them over long periods,” she added, “but they are highly effective in containing the spread of variants.”

S. Wesley Long,医学博士,德克萨斯州休斯顿休斯顿卫理公会医院的研究员博士说:“此时,由于Covid-19的Omicron变体的高度传染性,因此建议使用KN95口罩。我建议您随时戴口罩,尤其是在无法保持社交距离的拥挤的室内空间中。”





  1. Sanitize your hands before picking up the mask so you don’t contaminate it.
  2. Place the mask over your face, with the bottom below your chin and the nosepiece up.
  3. 将顶部皮带放在头部后面,下面的皮带在耳朵下方。
  4. Press the metal nose clip to mold the material to the shape of your nose.
  5. 重新调整了整个过程,因此您的鼻子和嘴被覆盖得很好,整个口罩都非常合适。


It’s also important to use the right size mask if you are putting one on a child. Kids should use the smaller versions of the KN95 masks, said Chatterjee.

“They shouldn’t be using an adult-size mask because it is often loose and will not protect from aerosols,” she said.

Finally, you want to avoid the many fake masks that have made their way onto the market. They will likely not provide the same degree of protection as genuine KN95 masks.

Long suggests buying from reputable sources and avoiding resellers, third-party sellers, and auction sites.

He also recommends inspecting the quality of the mask and the labeling of the packaging. Fakes are usually poorly made and packaged.

Chatterjee said you can also check the manufacturer’s label for a contact address. A reputable company should provide you with a way to reach them.