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  • 一旦一些初始体重,许多人感到沮丧,无法减肥。
  • 专家说,这可能是由于所谓的代谢适应。
  • This is the prehistoric process that signals our bodies to slow metabolism to avoid excessive weight loss due to food scarcity.
  • Experts say the best way to avoid this adaptation is to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week over an extended period of time.

If you’re not reaching your weight loss goals, the reason may be something called metabolic adaptation.

Metabolic adaptation is one of your body’s survival mechanisms that occurs when you’re losing a significant amount of weight.

A new 学习 conducted by the Department of Nutrition Sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham concludes that metabolic adaptation was associated with more time to reach weight loss goals.

This might explain why it can become more difficult to lose weight after you’ve lost some initial pounds.


Participants lost an average of 16 percent of their weight over an average of 5 months. Researchers said metabolic adaptation after the 16 percent weight reduction increased the time it took to lose more weight.


一组被认为是久坐不动的(只有exercising once per week) while the other group engaged in routine exercise. All participants did not smoke and reported regular menstrual cycles.

All participants also:

  • had normal glucose levels
  • 在至少一个一级亲戚中有超重和肥胖的家族史
  • 没有服用可能影响身体成分或代谢的药物

On average, adherence to the diet was about 64 percent. These results were consistent after adjusting for other causes that could be interfering with weight loss.

Metabolic adaptation happens when our body adjusts to reduce our resting metabolic rate (RMR).

RMR是我们的身体需要正确运行并保持体重多少卡路里。Caroline West Passerrello, MS, RDN, LDN, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, as well as community coordinator and instructor at the University of Pittsburgh and owner at Caroline West LLC.


“We know from research that RMR does change with weight loss,” she said. “However, there are many variables that determine if the change in RMR is clinically significant and if the change to RMR will persist once a person’s weight has stabilized.”

Andy De Santis位于加拿大多伦多的注册营养师和减肥专家说,新陈代谢的改编确实等于您的代谢构想“放缓”,以应对卡路里限制和减肥。



“The idea that some people are affected by metabolic adaptation more than others and that subsequently could extend the amount of time it takes for different people to lose weight is interesting and could be one of many variables that explain differing success rates/durations of weight loss endeavors,” De Santis said.


“Human physiology has many safeguards in place to keep our body processes functioning,” Passerrello said. “Many of these safeguards also make it difficult for an individual to maintain lost weight.”

If you are interested in losing weight, Passerrello said the general recommendation is to adjust your energy balance.


许多专家认为,每周减1或2磅是健康且安全的速度。疾病控制与预防中心 states that people who lose weight gradually and steadily are more successful at keeping weight off.

Losing more than 2 pounds per week is more likely to result in greater reductions to our RMR, said Passerrello. In other words, losing more than that per week can be a signal to your body that a food supply has become scarce.

“I hope this is a reminder to folks that there are factors we can control, but weight loss isn’t solely about willpower and personal choices,” said Passerrello.


This 800-calorie diet isn’t designed for every body.

一家饮食公司The Fast 800说,每天吃800卡路里是开始减肥旅程并“重置新陈代谢”,帮助人们减肥“非常快”,降低血压以及可能反向2型糖尿病的强烈方法。

De Santis said that 800 calories a day is 33–50 percent less than the average caloric needs we might expect in premenopausal women.

“The adherence to the diet, as per the paper, was only around 64 percent, which means only a bit more than half the participants could pull it off,” he said.

De Santis added that this result speaks to the practicality of the diet.

Then again, the goal of the study was to measure metabolic adaptation to weight loss, so the context is a bit different from a standard diet you might see being marketed.

“It’s safe to say I don’t advocate for 800-calorie diets,” he said.
