一种pregnant woman is seen about to get a COVID-19 vaccine. 分享pinterest.
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  • 研究表明,与非妊娠人的人相比,孕妇产生严重疾病和Covid-19的并发症的风险。
  • 2021年的一项研究发现vacc的另一个好处inated: Newborns are born with a high level of antibodies.
  • 一个新的CDC研究发现,接种疫苗并没有增加早产的风险或婴儿的婴儿出生体重不足。


研究 has shown that pregnant people have a greater risk of developing severe illness and complications from COVID-19 compared with nonpregnant people.

Pregnant people who are unvaccinated are also more likely to experience preterm birth and have 越来越糟的出生结果 比孕妇接种疫苗的人。

一种学习from researchers at New York University (NYU) found another benefit of getting vaccinated: Newborns whose mothers had received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine had high levels of antibodies.

“The best news is when a pregnant woman gets vaccinated, the newborn has protective antibodies against COVID. Getting the COVID vaccine is a win-win for mother and baby,”谢丽尔博士罗斯,在加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡的普罗维登斯圣约翰健康中心的Ob-Gyn告诉健康线。雷竞技app官网

一种new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has further established that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe during pregnancy.

学习 , which included health outcomes for over 40,000 pregnant women, found no associated link between the vaccines and preterm birth or low birth weight.

证据进一步支持孕妇疫苗接种的安全性和有效性 - 众所周知,当他们有Covid-19时,已知经历更严重的疾病和出生并发症。

来自NYU测量的抗体水平的2021个报道36个新生儿,其母亲已经收到了Messenger RNA(mRNA)疫苗(PFizer-Biontech或Moderna)之一。

研究ers found that all of the newborns had high levels of antibodies.


“Immunity will be passed to the fetus through the umbilical cord,” said Dr. Daniel Roshan, a high risk maternal-fetal OB-GYN based in New York City.



孕人面临着增加的风险Covid-19的并发症compared with the general population.

“Since pregnancy decreases the immune state, it is recommended to receive the vaccine at any trimester,” Roshan said.



Vaccination ratesamong pregnant people have been 相对较低



Evidencesuggests that both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are just as safe and effective in pregnant people as they are in nonpregnant people.


一种学习has found that newborns whose mothers had received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine had high levels of antibodies, highlighting another benefit of vaccination in pregnant people.


