A woman holds a glass of wine 在Pinterest上分享
  • 专家建议女性每天将酒精摄入量限制为每天喝一杯,而男性每天将酒精限制为两杯饮料。
  • However, researchers say that even a single drink on average per day can decrease brain volume over time.
  • Their study showed that a 50-year-old who drinks a pint of beer or a glass of wine a day effectively ages their brain by 2 years.
  • 专家指出,较重的饮酒对脑大小有更大的影响。

A drink a day could shrink your brain away, a new study suggests.

酗酒一直与changes in the brain. However, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania have found that even light to moderate drinking — as little as a glass of beer or wine daily — is associated with reduced brain size and structure.


研究人员的 报告 基于对36,000多人的饮酒和脑部健康数据的分析,将饮酒者的大脑体积变化比作衰老。


And those who consume an average of 4 drinks daily had brains that were 10 years “older” than those who did not drink.

“The fact that we have such a large sample size allows us to find subtle patterns, even between drinking the equivalent of half a beer and one beer a day,” said吉迪恩·殿,该研究的通讯作者以及宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿大学学校的教职员工。

The findings suggest that even drinking at levels considered “safe” in government guidelines may not be benign, researchers said.

例如,美国国家酒精滥用与酒精中毒研究所(NIAAA)设置 safe drinking levels 每天为女性喝一杯,男性每天喝两杯饮料。研究作者写道,这两个级别的消费都会导致大脑可检测到的有害变化。


饮酒水平低的变化很小 - 从零到一个酒精单位或每天平均半饮料并没有显着改变大脑的体积。但是,随着消费每天或更高的饮料,大脑中的灰色和白色物质都被明显降低。

“It gets worse the more you drink,” saidRemi Daviet,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的研究合着者和助理教授。

“If you limit your focus to the brain, it’s probably not all that concerning if someone is having a drink a day versus half a drink,” said Kranzler. “As it gets above that, the risk gets more substantial.”

“I’m a lover of good wine,” Kranzler added. “These findings have led me to rethink [how much I drink]. I didn’t welcome this news, but I’d rather have my brain.”

研究人员控制了可能偏向结果的各种因素,包括年龄,身高,左手和右手,性别,吸烟状况,社会经济状况,遗传血统,居住县,以及 - 脑数量数据 - 总体数据尺寸。

Future research will look at whether the brain changes are permanent or related to binge drinking or general alcohol consumption rates.


Alcohol use reduces brain volume by causing brain cells and cells in their connective tissue to expel water, saidJames Giordano,博士,华盛顿特区乔治敦大学医学中心的神经病学和生物化学教授


