到目前为止,数据显示that your chances of getting COVID-19 after vaccination are less than 1 percent. Jon Cherry/Getty Images
  • 接种疫苗后获得Covid-19的人约为接种的人中的1%。
  • Experts say this is because although the vaccines are highly protective, they’re not 100 percent effective.
  • They add that people who do become sick after getting vaccinated have a far lower chance of being hospitalized.

所有数据和统计数据均基于发布时公开可用的数据。一些信息可能已过时。访问我们的冠状病毒中心and follow ourlive updates pagefor the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.



“Breakthrough” cases of COVID-19 among vaccinated people are expected.


They are.

They’re just not 100 percent effective.

So, yes, you can still get sick even if you’re vaccinated, but it’s exceedingly rare.

根据疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)的说法 8700万美国人 截至2021年4月20日,已接种了19日的Covid-19-19疫苗。在接种疫苗的人中,有7,157例突破性病例,少于500次住院和88例死亡。


“The effectiveness of any vaccine in preventing serious illness is high, and in the case of the COVID-19 vaccines, it’s very high,”Dr. S. Wesley Long, an infectious disease researcher and clinical microbiologist at Houston Methodist in Texas, told Healthline.

“All the data shows that if you’re vaccinated you probably won’t get any symptoms at all, but even if you do, you still probably won’t get full-blown COVID and end up in the hospital,” he said.


研究published this month by the CDC shows that messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines against COVID-19 — which include those developed by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech — are 80 percent effective in preventing detectable coronavirus infections 14 days after the first dose and 90 percent effective after the second dose.

The single-dose 约翰逊和约翰逊疫苗 发现在疫苗接种后2周可预防实验室确认的Covid-19疾病有效66%。

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine, based on more conventional adenovirus technology, was also found in clinical trials to be 100 percent effective against serious COVID-19 illness.


None of those who received the vaccine were hospitalized or died, even among those who got detectable infections.

So, why can people who get vaccinated still get sick?


You can also get sick if you’re exposed to the coronavirus in the weeks immediately following your shot, when the immune response caused by the vaccine is still developing.

“There is [also] a small subset of people who will not make a protective response after immunization,” Long said. “That’s why we need herd immunity to protect those people.”

That said, the vaccines for COVID-19 are remarkably effective.

例如,自2009-10流感季节以来,流感疫苗的有效性从 19%至60% .




All three vaccines now in use in the United States far exceed that minimum.

“We [also] have evidence to suggest that the vaccines do a pretty good job of preventing transmission of the disease to other people,” Long said.


“There will be a small percentage of people who are fully vaccinated who still get sick, are hospitalized, or die from COVID-19,” the CDC states .

“Even if we have a handful of breakthrough cases it’s important to remember that these people are unlikely to have severe disease or pass COVID along to other people,” Long said.

The latest data from the CDC ,例如,表明辉瑞-biontech和Moderna Covid-19疫苗在65岁及以上的完全疫苗接种的成年人中对COVID-19的住院有效94%,该人口被认为最容易受到该疾病的影响 - 在部分疫苗接种的人群中有效64%。成年人。


A 学习 2018年出版的发现,即使患病的人病病了,与未接种疫苗的人相比,住院的几率也减少了37%。需要重症监护的几率减少了82%。

To recap:

If you get vaccinated, the odds are you won’t get COVID-19.

If you get vaccinated and you do get sick, the odds are you won’t get seriously ill or die from the disease.
