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专家说,健康的饮食和户外活动可以帮助您记忆。Karen Moskowitz/Getty图像
  • 研究人员说,老年人有时很难记住事情的原因之一是,有很多记忆和信息可以筛选。
  • 专家说,这个大脑“混乱”并不是全部不好。这些额外的数据可以帮助制定决策。
  • They add that exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy diet, and staying socially active can help with memory as you age.

Most people past a certain age know the feeling.


But her last name?

You search your brain and just – in that moment — cannot find it.

You scold yourself and wonder: Am I losing my memory?

一个research review2月11日发布的理论认为,这种困难以及我们年龄的其他记忆挑战可能是由于信息过多而不是缺乏信息的结果。

In other words, as we age, we may have an overload of data and memories to shuffle through to find that one piece we desire.

Tarek Amer, the lead researcher on the study and a postdoctoral fellow in cognitive neuroscience at Columbia University in New York and Harvard University in Massachusetts, says the findings challenge some past assumptions about aging, the brain, and memory.


一个mer and his team looked at research that compared memory storage between younger adults and older adults from 60 to 85 years of age.



So, Amer said, given the notion of someone trying to recall Susan’s last name, he said, “You have five or more people named Susan (stored in your memory),” so you have to go through all that to find the correct one.

He calls that process “interference.”


Thomas Laudate, PhD, a clinical neuropsychologist at Tufts Medical Center in Massachusetts, described the concept of older adults’ brains having added information to cull through like a photo with “too many pixels.”

He told Healthline that this theory – he does not see it as proof yet – possibly opens the door to more information on how the brain works as we age and what we can do about that.

“It helps give us more information about the underpinning of memories,” Laudate said. “It would be interesting (to explore) if there are ways these theories can be applied to enhance memory.”

Dr. Glen R. Finney美国神经病学学会的研究员,said the findings are not surprising.

“This is something that I have thought of for quite a while,” he told Healthline.

Several years ago, Finney said, a study showed college students pictures of famous people and timed how long it took them to name the famous person. The students were asked how many people they knew with various first names (including the first names of the famous people).

“The more people that they knew with the same first name as the famous person, the slower they were to retrieve that name,” he said.


Can we clean up our brains to work better around this? And should we?


“This is where some emerging evidence shows that this might be helpful,” he said. “Sometimes information not retrieved in one (effort) could be useful in another.”






If you’re still trying to remember Susan’s last name, you’re not alone.

一个nd while experts say it’s too soon to draw actionable things from this latest study, there are ways to work on keeping your brain working well.

Laudate suggests:

  • Regular aerobic exercise.It does not, he said, have to be hard core; any kind of regular aerobic movement helps. “If the benefits of exercise could bet put in a pill, it would sell millions,” he said.
  • 吃营养丰富,均衡的饮食。
  • Stay intellectually and socially active.“Those can often be done together,” he said. Book groups, film discussions, or whatever interests you.

You can also work on your memory itself, Finney said.



Finney is also a believer in meditation.


What won’t work?

