Tips include substituting applesauce for sugar and lemon juice for salt.

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You can enjoy your holiday meals and still eat foods that are heart healthy. Getty Images


You’ll be hard-pressed to enter the holiday season without eating — a lot. And though extremely delicious, all of these traditional family favorites also come with a hefty price tag of salt, sugar, and, of course, fat — none of which do much for heart health.

考虑到假日美食节的性质,美国心脏协会最近提出了一份清单 健康的心脏黑客度假食谱 , including tips like replacing salt with herbs and spices and using unsweetened applesauce instead of butter when baking.

Dr. Nicole Weinberg, a cardiologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in California, does see consequences to holiday overindulgence. She said there’s an increase in emergency room visits for congestive heart failure starting with Thanksgiving, what she calls “the saltiest meal of the year.”

The rich, salty foods and holiday stress may also lead to increased blood pressure and more heart attacks.

“It kind of kicks off over Thanksgiving, and I do think the hospital admissions go up during the holiday time,” Weinberg said.

Despite the risks, holiday traditions may prove difficult to change.


Dr. Ethan A. Yalvac, a cardiologist at Hoag Hospital in California, said overeating doesn’t have to be one of our holiday traditions.

“We have this unfortunate cultural acceptance of weight gain and indulgence — this idea that we will let diet and exercise fall by the wayside in November and December, and then fight our way back to health in January,” Yalvac said. “This is a fallacy.”

Jessica Bennett, RD, clinical dietitian at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Tennessee, said most holiday recipes use large amounts of butter, which is not heart healthy. Other recipes combine veggies with high-fat foods like meat and cheese.

“Vegetable casseroles are typically loaded with cheese and butter as well,” Bennett said. “There tends to be more consumption of sugar from sweets or added to recipes like sauces. Alcohol tends to be consumed more frequently and some find it hard to moderate.”


  • 假日聚会前填满健康食品。温伯格说:“计划您的概念,这样您就不仅整日饿死了自己,然后去参加聚会,愚蠢地敬畏自己。”
  • 扔白米饭。贝内特说,可以使用糙米或藜麦代替菜肴中的白米饭。
  • 在没有脂肪和淀粉的情况下抬起蔬菜。Bennett说,西葫芦或南瓜可以代替面食和花椰菜代替土豆。
  • Chew while you cook. “Chew sugar-free gum or chew on veggies while cooking to avoid eating a meal’s worth of calories while cooking,” Bennett said.
  • Keep stress down. “Stress plays a role during the holidays too,” Bennett said. “Set a time limit on visitors. Take a walk. Enjoy a holiday movie or book, [or a] holiday coloring book. Light a comforting-smelling candle. Name three things you are grateful for. Holiday-themed puzzles are fun for the entire family.”
  • Get creative with leftovers. “Share leftovers with family and friends,” said Bennett. “Use leftovers to jazz up a salad or make a soup and add more veggies. Lettuce wraps make great leftover tacos.”
  • 使用菠萝进行烘烤。Yalvac说:“ AHA文章在烘烤中使用未加糖的苹果酱提到。”“我会用新鲜的菠萝烘烤中添加'用糖来代替糖。菠萝是甜味的天然来源 - 我和我妻子每年都会制作的胡萝卜蛋糕的秘密成分。”
  • 每天称重自己。Yalvac说:“这是一个窍门可以做的事,真是太神奇了。”“如果您参加四天的聚会,喝酒和饮食,您可能会以5至10磅的身份结束周末。每天称重自己,您可以在食用的食物和饮料和体重之间建立一个反馈回路。如果您在感恩节上过度使用它,并且周五早上您会发现自己的体重增加了3磅,那么您将在周五晚上放弃那块馅饼。”
  • Go for a walk after dinner. “Be sure to maintain exercise however you can get it in,” Yalvac said. “Just because you’re going to parties doesn’t mean you can’t keep moving and taking care of yourself.”