Medically reviewed by医学博士克雷格·蒂福德(Craig Tifford)- 写梅根·伦茨(Megan Lentz)和梅根(Megan)
An orthopedic surgeon, or orthopedist, is a physician that diagnoses and treats injuries of the musculoskeletal system. They use both nonsurgical and surgical treatments to manage disorders related to bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
Orthopedic surgeons often perform the following tests and procedures in their office:
- X射线
- CT scans
- MRIs
- 药物注射,例如corticosteroids
Some questions that you may want to ask an orthopedic surgeon during your appointment include:
- Will I need physical therapy?
- 我的病情还有其他非手术治疗选择吗?
- 我是手术的候选人吗?为什么或者为什么不?
- 如果我需要手术,恢复需要多长时间?
- Will my condition continue to get worse? Are there things I can do to slow the progression?
- 我可以做任何练习或活动,还是我应该避免的?