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It’s necessary for the growth and development of your muscle cells, proper functioning of the innate and adaptive immune system, maintenance of the health of your skeletal system, and more ( 1 , 2 )。

This is why insufficient or deficient levels of vitamin D may increase your risk of disease and infection, bone demineralization, and many other negative health outcomes ( 2 , 3 )。

维生素D缺乏是非常常见的。事实上,美国成年人的40%被认为是维生素D水平不足(不足),而大约6%的维生素D.在全球范围内被认为是缺乏的,维生素D缺乏影响约10亿人( 1 , 2 , 3 )。

Factors that increase the risk of vitamin D deficiency include ( 3 , 4 ):

  • 肤色
  • where you live
  • your ability to absorb vitamin D
  • 日晒
  • medical conditions
  • body weight

Because vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency are common, many people use vitamin D supplements to maintain healthy vitamin D levels.

维生素D补充剂被认为是非常安全的,d toxicity is uncommon. This is because a healthy person would need to take extremely large doses of vitamin D over time in order to reach toxic or dangerous levels in the body ( 5 )。

However, vitamin D toxicity is more common in people with certain medical conditions. These include ( 5 ):

  • 肉芽肿疾病
  • 先天性疾病
  • 一些lymphomas
  • dysregulated vitamin D metabolism

Although uncommon, vitamin D toxicity can occur, especially in cases of:

  • accidental overdose
  • 处方错误
  • misuse of high-dose vitamin D supplements


This article discusses 6 symptoms and side effects related to vitamin D toxicity.

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In order for vitamin D to reach toxic or dangerous levels in the body, it needs to exceed 100 nanograms (ng) per mL.

高血清素蛋白症D.定义为血液维生素D水分超过100ng / ml,而维生素D中毒定义为血清水平超过150ng / ml( 6 , 7 )。

Recommendations on optimal vitamin D levels vary, but research suggests that levels between 30–60 ng/mL are likely optimal and may help protect against illness and disease ( 8 , 9 )。


Most cases of vitamin D toxicity are caused by inappropriate supplement dosing and prescription errors.

For example, in a 2020 case report, a 73-year-old man developed vitamin D toxicity after taking 10,000 IU of vitamin D per day for many years ( 10 )。

在另外2020例案例报告中,一个56岁的女性,平均每天花费130,000 IU的维生素D,持续20个月,希望改善症状multiple sclerosiswas hospitalized for symptoms including nausea, vomiting, and muscle weakness.

她的维生素D水平被发现为265 ng / ml( 11 )。

Note that 130,000 IU is over 30 times the generally recommended safe upper limit of 4,000 IU per day.

Even though toxicity is unlikely if you keep your daily intake levels below 10,000 IU per day and avoid excessively high intakes of vitamin D supplements, experts recommend that people with typical vitamin D levels do not exceed 4,000 IU of vitamin D per day ( 12 )。

Keep in mind that people who are low or deficient in vitamin D typically need to take much higher levels than the current Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) of 4,000 IU per day to reach and maintain optimal vitamin D levels.



Vitamin D levels greater than 100 ng/mL may be harmful. Toxicity symptoms have been reported at extremely high blood levels in cases where people took megadoses (very high doses) of vitamin D supplements for extended periods of time.

维生素D有助于您的身体吸收from the food you eat. In fact, this is one of its most important roles.

However, if your vitamin D intake is excessive, your blood calcium may reach levels that can cause unpleasant and potentially dangerous symptoms.

The symptoms of vitamin D toxicity are primarily related to高钙血症, which means excessively high blood calcium levels ( 13 )。

Symptoms of hypercalcemia include:

  • digestive distress, such as vomiting, nausea, constipation, and stomach pain
  • 疲劳,头晕,幻觉和混乱
  • 食欲不振
  • excessive urination
  • kidney stones, kidney injury, and even kidney failure
  • high blood pressure and heart abnormalities
  • dehydration

The normal range of blood calcium is 8.5–10.8 mg/dL ( 14 , 15 )。

Hypercalcemia typically develops after people take megadoses of vitamin D for a prolonged period of time.

For example, a 2015 case study reported that an older man with dementia who received 50,000 IU of vitamin D daily for 6 months was repeatedly hospitalized with symptoms related to high calcium levels ( 16 )。

In the 2020 case report mentioned earlier, the woman who took an average of 130,000 IU of vitamin D per day for 20 months was also hospitalized for symptoms related to hypercalcemia ( 11 )。

These included nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, and kidney injury. Her blood calcium levels were 3.23 mmol/L (12.9 mg/dL) ( 11 )。

Hypercalcemia can be life threatening and requires immediate medical attention.


Taking too much vitamin D may result in excessive absorption of calcium, which can cause several potentially dangerous symptoms.

The main side effects of excessive vitamin D levels are related to excessive calcium in the blood ( 13 )。

Some of the main symptoms of hypercalcemia include:

  • 恶心
  • 呕吐
  • 便秘
  • diarrhea
  • poor appetite


One woman experienced nausea and weight loss after taking a supplement that was later found to contain 78 times more vitamin D than stated on the label ( 17 )。

Importantly, these symptoms occurred in response to extremely high doses of vitamin D3, which led to calcium levels greater than 12 mg/dL.

在一个案例研究中,在服用不当标记的维生素D补充剂后,一个男孩发育了胃痛和便秘,而他的兄弟经历了血液水平升高而没有任何其他症状( 18 )。

在另一个案例研究中,一个18个月大的孩子被给予50,000 IU维生素D3,经历了3个月,腹泻,胃痛等症状。这些症状在儿童停止服用补充后解决了这些症状( 19 )。


Taking vitamin D can increase levels of calcium in the blood, and too much calcium can cause side effects. If you take large doses of vitamin D, you may experience stomach pain, loss of appetite, constipation, or diarrhea as a result of elevated calcium levels.

Hypercalcemia can lead to altered mental status in people with vitamin D toxicity.

People with vitamin D toxicity–induced hypercalcemia commonly have symptoms like confusion, depression, and psychosis. In extreme cases, coma has been reported ( 5 )。

在2021个案例报告中,一名64岁的男子每天不小心占据了维生素D的200,000 IU,因为他误解了药物指示。他表现出改变的精神状态和与高钙血症相关的其他严重症状。

He remained agitated and confused for the first 10 days of his stay in the hospital, but his symptoms gradually improved as his calcium levels dropped. It took about 18 days for his calcium to return to expected levels ( 20 )。


Vitamin D toxicity can cause symptoms like confusion, agitation, and unresponsiveness. This also appears to result from elevated calcium levels, which high doses of vitamin D can cause.

In some cases, vitamin D toxicity can result in kidney injury and evenkidney failure

This is because having too much vitamin D in the body can lead to high levels of calcium, which can lead to water loss through too much urination and calcification of the kidneys ( 21 )。

Hypercalcemia can also cause the blood vessels of the kidneys to constrict, which leads to decreased kidney function ( 21 )。

Indeed, many studies have reported moderate-to-severe kidney injury in people who develop vitamin D toxicity ( 11 , 18 , 19 , 22 )。

有趣的是,维生素D缺乏症也会损害肾脏并导致肾脏疾病的严重并发症。这就是为什么保持最佳血液水平的维生素D至关重要( 23 , 24 )。


Too much vitamin D may lead to kidney injury and can even lead to kidney failure in some cases.

Vitamin D is involved in calcium absorption, immune function, and protecting bone, muscle, and heart health. It occurs naturally in food and your body can also produce it when your skin is exposed to sunlight.

Yet, aside from fatty fish, there are fewfoods rich in vitamin D。更重要的是,大多数人都没有足够的阳光照射以产生足够的维生素D.

So, deficiency is very common. In fact, estimates suggest that about 1 billion people worldwide are deficient in vitamin D, while 50% of people may have levels insufficient to maintain optimal health ( 2 , 3 )。


Vitamin D deficiency is generally recognized as serum vitamin D levels less than 20 ng/mL. People who have levels that fall between 21–29 ng/mL are considered to have insufficient vitamin D levels ( 1 )。

If your healthcare professional finds that you have a vitamin D deficiency or insufficient vitamin D levels, they will likely recommend a supplement or vitamin D injections.

医疗保健专业人员可以推荐维生素D非常低的人每天80,000 IU持续8周,然后每天达到30 ng / ml( 3 )。

Your doctor will decide the most appropriate dose of vitamin D for you, depending on your vitamin D levels and your overall health.

Even though vitamin D toxicity isn’t common, you may be at risk if you misuse over the counter vitamin D supplements, prescription vitamin D supplements, or injections.


Avoid taking high dose vitamin D supplements unless your healthcare professional recommends them.


Vitamin D deficiency is quite common. For this reason, many people need to take vitamin D supplements. However, it’s important to avoid taking high dose vitamin D supplements, except with the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Vitamin D is extremely important for your overall health. Even if you follow a healthy diet, you may require supplements to achieve optimal blood levels.

However, it’s also possible to have too much of a good thing.

Make sure to avoid excessive doses of vitamin D. Generally, for people with adequate vitamin D levels, taking supplements of 4,000 IU or fewer per day is considered safe.


Avoid taking high dose vitamin D supplements unless you’re being monitored by a healthcare professional.

It’s also important to note that some cases of vitamin D toxicity happened because people took improperly labeled supplements. If you want to take vitamin D supplements, buy them from reputable manufacturers to reduce the risk of accidental overdose due to improper labeling.

If you’ve been taking vitamin D supplements and are experiencing any of the symptoms listed in this article, consult a healthcare professional as soon as possible.

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