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In fact, there’s a lot of confusion regarding folic acid and folate, even among professionals.


Vitamin B9 is an essential nutrient that naturally occurs as folate.

它提供许多重要的功能在你的身体。For example, it plays a crucial role in cell growth and the formation of DNA.


  • 升高的同型半胱氨酸。高同型半胱氨酸水平与患心脏病和中风的风险增加有关( 1 2 )。
  • 出生缺陷。Low folate levels in pregnant women have been linked to birth abnormalities, such as neural tube defects ( 3. )。
  • 癌症风险。较差的叶酸水平也与增加的癌症风险有关( 4. 5. )。

For these reasons, supplementing with vitamin B9 is common. Fortifying food with this nutrient is mandatory in many countries, including the United States and Canada.





Folate is a generic name for a group of related compounds with similar nutritional properties.


In your digestive system, most dietary folate is converted into 5-MTHF before entering your bloodstream ( 6. )。



叶酸is a synthetic form of vitamin B9, also known as pteroylmonoglutamic acid.

It’s used in supplements and added to processed food products, such as flour and breakfast cereals.

Unlike folate, not all of the folic acid you consume is converted into the active form of vitamin B9 — 5-MTHF — in your digestive system. Instead, it needs to be converted in your liver or other tissues ( 5. 6. )。

Yet, this process is slow and inefficient in some people. After taking a folic acid supplement, it takes time for your body to convert all of it to 5-MTHF ( 7. )。

即使是每天的小剂量,例如200-400mcg,也可能不会被完全代谢,直至进行下一个剂量。随着叶酸补充剂食用加固食物时,这种问题可能会变得更糟( 8. 9. )。

As a result, unmetabolized folic acid is commonly detected in people’s bloodstreams, even in the fasted state ( 10. 11. 12. )。


然而,一项研究表明,服用叶酸和其他B vitamins,特别是维生素B6,使转换更有效( 10. )。



Several studies indicate that chronically elevated levels of unmetabolized folic acid may have adverse health effects, including:

  • Increased cancer risk.High levels of unmetabolized folic acid have been associated with increased cancer risk. However, no evidence proves that unmetabolized folic acid plays a direct role ( 13. 14. 15. )。
  • Undetected B12 deficiency.在老年人中,高叶酸水平可以掩盖vitamin B12不足。未经治疗的维生素B12缺乏可能会增加痴呆症和损伤神经功能的风险( 16. 17. )。

即使是400 mcg的小,每日剂量也可能导致未代谢的叶酸在血液中积聚( 9. 18. )。




It’s best to get vitamin B9 from whole foods.

High-folate foods包括芦笋,鳄梨,布鲁塞尔豆芽,以及像菠菜和生菜等叶茂盛蔬菜。



Other supplements contain 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF), also known as levomefolate, which is considered an adequate alternative to folic acid ( 19. 20. 21. 22. )。

Supplemental 5-MTHF is available in the form of levomefolate calcium or levomefolate magnesium. It’s sold under the brand names Metafolin, Deplin, and Enlyte and availableonline


The healthiest dietary sources of vitamin B9 are whole foods, such as leafy green vegetables. If you need to take supplements, methyl folate is a good alternative to folic acid.


High intake of folic acid may lead to increased blood levels of unmetabolized folic acid. Some researchers speculate that this may have adverse health effects over time, but further studies are needed before solid conclusions can be reached.

Alternatives to folic acid supplements include 5-MTHT (levomefolate) or whole foods, such as绿叶蔬菜