
You can try changing your sleep routine and curbing your caffeine intake, but sometimes these lifestyle interventions fall short.


This mineral has wide-ranging effects in the body and may influence some of the processes that promote sleep.


What Is Magnesium?

镁是地球上最常见的矿物之一,并且存在于许多食物中( 1 , 2 , 3 ).

这是对人类健康至关重要和is used in over 600 cellular reactions throughout your body ( 3 ).

事实上,每个细胞和器官都需要这种矿物质正常工作。它有助于骨骼健康,以及适当的大脑,心脏和肌肉功能( 3 ).

镁补充剂与许多益处相关联,包括战斗炎症,缓解便秘和降低血压( 4 , 5 ).





It Can Help Your Body and Brain Relax

In order to fall asleep and stay asleep, your body and brain need to relax.

On a chemical level, magnesium aids this process by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, the system responsible for getting you calm and relaxed ( 6 ).

First, magnesium regulates neurotransmitters, which send signals throughout the nervous system and brain.

It also regulates the hormone melatonin, which guides sleep-wake cycles in your body ( 7 ).

其次,该矿物结合伽马 - 氨基丁酸(GABA)受体。GABA是负责安抚神经活动的神经递质。它是睡眠药物(如ambien)使用的相同神经递质器( 8 , 9 ).



Magnesium helps activate neurotransmitters that are responsible for calming the body and the mind.

Not Having Enough of It Interferes With Sleep

Not having enough magnesium in your system can cause troubled sleep and even insomnia ( 10 ).

Studies in mice have shown that optimal levels of this mineral are needed for normal sleep and that both high and low levels can cause sleep problems ( 11 ).

Certain groups of people have a higher risk of magnesium deficiency, including ( 2 ):

  • 消化系统疾病的人:Issues with your digestive tract can cause your body to not absorb vitamins and minerals properly, resulting in deficiencies.
  • People with diabetes:Insulin resistance and diabetes are linked with excess magnesium loss.
  • People with alcohol dependence:Deficiency in this mineral is common among those who drink heavily.
  • Older adults:Many older adults have less magnesium in their diets than younger adults and may also be less efficient at absorbing it.

If you’re not getting enough magnesium, then you may experience sleep problems.


Insufficient magnesium intake is linked to sleep problems. Some populations are particularly at risk of deficiency.

It Helps Regulate Sleep Quality



该组还表现出更高水平的肾素和褪黑激素,有助于调节睡眠的激素( 12 ).

These results were bolstered by another study that gave elderly adults with insomnia a supplement containing 225 mg magnesium, 5 mg melatonin and 11.25 mg zinc.

The participants of this second study also had better sleep compared to the placebo group, although it’s hard to attribute the effect to magnesium since the supplement additionally contained zinc and melatonin ( 13 ).

另一项研究发现,在小鼠中产生镁缺乏导致睡眠模式,即轻微且焦躁不安( 14 ).

This is partially due to this mineral’s influence on the nervous system. It blocks more excitable molecules from binding to neurons, resulting in a calmer nervous system.

However, since the current research has only studied magnesium supplements among older adults with insomnia, it’s not clear whether younger adults would benefit as well.


Magnesium acts upon the nervous system and contributes to deep, restful sleep. Several studies have confirmed this effect in older adults.

It May Help Alleviate Anxiety and Depression


当缺乏缺乏症时,这尤其如此,因为缺乏焦虑,抑郁和精神上的混乱( 15 ).

但新兴研究也表明这一分钟eral could enhance conventional antidepressant treatment and possibly treat anxiety ( 15 , 16 ).

虽然如何完全了解这项工作,但它似乎与镁刺激神经系统的平静装置的能力有关( 3 ).

If your insomnia is related to an underlying mood disorder, then magnesium just might help.


Magnesium may help treat anxiety and depression, two mood disorders that can cause sleep problems.


医药研究所表明,每年膳食摄入量为310-360毫克的成人女性和成人男性400-420毫克( 1 ).

You can get magnesium through drinking water andeating foods such as green vegetables, nuts, cereals, meat, fish and fruit ( 1 ).


然而,上述临床试验使用的量为225-500毫克。从补充剂中被认为的上限实际上是每天350毫克,因此避免尝试这种较高的剂量而没有医疗监督( 2 ).

Since it’s clear that magnesium deficiency can impair sleep, a good first step is to make sure you’re getting adequate amounts from whole foods.




If you’re having trouble sleeping, considerlifestyle interventions first, such as cutting back on caffeine, establishing a regular bedtime and avoiding screens before bed.


First, the upper limit for supplemental magnesium is 350 mg per day ( 2 ).

Additionally, keep in mind that taking it in supplement form may cause side effects, including nausea, cramps or diarrhea ( 17 ).





The Bottom Line


It may also help relieve anxiety and depression, which can interfere with sleep.

Currently, the only research showing that these supplements improve sleep has been done in older adults, so it’s not clear how they affect other populations.
