Acid reflux当下部食管括约肌无法从胃中关闭食管时,就会发生。这使您的胃中的酸会流回食管,导致刺激和疼痛。



Magnesium combined with hydroxide or carbonate ions may help neutralize the acid in your stomach. These magnesium-containing products can give you short-term relief from acid reflux symptoms.


  • Higher intake of magnesium is associated with greater bone density.
  • It can reduce your risk for hypertension.
  • 镁还可以降低您患糖尿病的风险。

Magnesiumplays an important role in several of your body’s functions, including bone formation. Not only does it help calcify the bone, it activates vitamin D within the body.维生素D是健康骨骼的关键组成部分。

The mineral also plays a role in heart health. Magnesium consumption has been linked with a reduced risk ofhypertensionand动脉粥样硬化

Supplementing with magnesium has also been linked with improved insulin sensitivity in people withtype 2 diabetes

When a magnesium antacid is supplemented as a combination therapy with prescription medications for acid reflux, it can also decrease magnesium deficiency.


Magnesium is an ingredient found in many treatments for acid reflux. Antacids frequently combine magnesium hydroxide or magnesium carbonate with aluminum hydroxide or calcium carbonate. These mixtures can neutralize acid and relieve your symptoms.

镁也可以在其他治疗中找到proton pump inhibitors。Proton pump inhibitors reduce the amount of acid your stomach makes. A2014 studyconcluded that proton pump inhibitors containing pantoprazole magnesium improved GERD.

A separate 2011 study 通过治愈食道并减少症状,将这些药物归功于这些药物。Pantoprozole镁是有效的,并且很容易被参与者耐受。


  • Some people may experience side effects after consuming magnesium.
  • Antacids aren’t recommended for children or people with kidney disease.
  • Proton pump inhibitors aren’t recommended for extended use.

尽管镁抗酸镁通常具有良好的耐受性,但有些人可能会遇到副作用。镁抗酸会导致diarrhea。To combat this, aluminum hydroxide is often included in OTC antacid medications. Aluminum antacids can cause便秘

一个缺点是,与铝罐ca抗酸药use calcium loss, which can lead toosteoporosis。抗酸应仅用于减轻偶尔的酸反流。

Stomach acid is necessary to help absorb magnesium in the stomach. Chronic use of antacids, proton pump inhibitors, and other acid-blocking medications can decrease overall stomach acid and perpetuate poor magnesium absorption.

Excessive magnesium supplementation, or over 350 milligrams (mg) per day, can also result in diarrhea, nausea, and stomach cramping.




To reduce symptoms, you can:

  • Eat smaller meals.
  • 经常锻炼。
  • Lose weight.
  • 床头高高6英寸。
  • Cut out late-night snacking.
  • 追踪会导致症状并避免食用的食物。
  • 避免穿紧身衣服。

There may be alternative therapies you can try to reduce your symptoms as well. These aren’t regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and should be taken with caution.


  • Talk to your doctor about magnesium supplements.
  • Add magnesium-rich foods to your diet. This includes whole grains, nuts, and seeds.
  • 除非另外指示,否则每天只服用或消耗350毫克。


