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Illustration by Alyssa Kiefer


Here is an outline of what changes you can expect to experience as your pregnancy progresses, as well as guidance on when to schedule doctor appointments and tests.

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Illustration by Alyssa Kiefer | Infographic by Maya Chastain



As soon as you find out you’re pregnant, it’s time to cut out any unhealthy habits and start taking产前维生素。你也可能想接受folic acid supplements,这对于胎儿脑发育很重要。

你的前三个月结束前,选择一个doctor or midwife who you’ll see throughout your pregnancy.



  • 如果您还没有,现在该开始制定健康的饮食计划,服用产前维生素并停止任何不健康的习惯,例如吸烟。
  • 早期,您的鸡蛋被施肥并植入子宫。您可能会遇到轻微的抽筋和额外的阴道排放。
  • 您可能会开始遇到乳房压痛,疲倦和恶心等症状。
  • Eventually,morning sicknessmay be in full swing.
  • Schedule your first prenatal doctor visit — usually during weeks 8 to 12. Your doctor may do several tests. They’ll also talk to you about lifestyle habits and genetic testing.
  • Between weeks 8 and 10, your uterus will start growing, your breasts are tender, and your body is producing more blood.
  • You’ll eventually begin togain a few pounds
  • 您的脸和脖子上的深色斑块,称为Chloasma或mask of pregnancy,,,,might also start to appear later in the trimester.
  • 随着母乳(称为初乳)的第一阶段,您的乳房将在妊娠晚些时候开始变大,开始填充它们。


Your doctor or midwife will see you once every 4 weeks to measure the baby’s growth, check the heartbeat, and perform blood or urine tests to make sure that you and the baby are healthy.

By the end of your second trimester, your belly has grown significantly, and people have started to notice that you’re pregnant.

What to expect in the second trimester

  • It’s time to break out those maternity clothes (if you haven’t already).
  • Your doctor may suggest a blood test for genetic disorders, called amaternal serum screen或Quad屏幕。
  • 如果您有遗传缺陷的家族史,Down syndrome,,,,cystic fibrosis, 或者脊柱裂,,,,your doctor may recommend additional testing.
  • By this time you’ve probably gone up a bra size or two.
  • You may start to feel like your allergies are acting up a bit midway through the trimester.
  • 关于halfway through, anultrasound可以告诉你婴儿的性爱。
  • 对于许多人来说,这几周很愉快,只有很小的不适。您可能会注意到一些痤疮。
  • You may want to look into birthing classes.
  • Some trouble sleeping at night may happen due to normal pregnancy discomforts like urinating often, heartburn, and leg cramps.
  • Your doctor will likely schedule a blood sugar test between weeks 24 and 28 to see if you havegestational diabetes
  • 到孕期的后期,您的宝宝可能长约13英寸,重2磅。
  • In the final weeks of your second trimester, you may have gained about 16 to 22 pounds.



Your healthcare provider may recommend anonstress test如果您在到期日之前不工作,请检查婴儿。


What to expect in the third trimester

  • Welcome to your三个月! You’re feeling the baby move a lot now and you might be asked by the doctor to keep track of your baby’s activity levels.
  • 现在,医生的探访变得更加频繁 - 每月大约两次。
  • You may start to notice discomforts like constipation and hemorrhoids.
  • The hormones your body is making at this stage cause your joints to loosen. In some women, this means your feet can grow a whole shoe size larger!
  • Midway through the trimester, you might experience some leaking. As your body prepares for labor, you may start havingBraxton-Hicks(false) contractions.
  • 在孕期结束时,您的身体有大约40%至50%的血液!
  • You may be feeling very tired at this point, from trouble sleeping and other normal pregnancy aches and pains.
  • Your belly button may eventually be tender or have turned into an “outie.” You might also feel short of breath as your uterus presses against your rib cage.
  • 当你到达冲刺阶段,你必须每周visits to your healthcare provider until youdeliver
  • 大约在第37周左右,您可以通过粘液塞,这会阻塞子宫颈以防止不必要的细菌。失去插头意味着您离劳动力更近一步。
  • 告诉您的医生,您是否注意到手,脚或脚踝的极端肿胀,因为这可能是妊娠引起的高血压的迹象。
  • 到孕期结束时,您的子宫颈应通过稀疏和开放来准备出生。Braxton-Hicks收缩may get more intense as labor gets closer.
  • 随着孕期结束,您将完成!如果您还没有孩子,他们可能会在40周左右到达。

  • Avoid smoking.戒烟is the single most preventable cause of illness and death among mothers and infants.
  • 避免饮酒。When you drink alcohol, so does your developing baby. There is no known safe amount of alcohol to drink while pregnant.
  • Avoid marijuana.The chemicals in marijuana pass through your system to your baby and can harm their development.
  • 了解健康怀孕的来龙去脉eating plan蛋白质,纤维,维生素,矿物质等是必不可少的。
  • Take 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid every day.Folic acid canhelp preventsome major birth abnormalities.
  • Seek help for depression.Depression is common and treatable. If you think you have depression,寻求治疗尽快从您的医疗保健提供者那里。
  • Talk to your doctor about traveling.Traveling可能会在怀孕期间引起问题,尤其是在怀孕后期的空中旅行,因此请与医生讨论您的选择。
  • See your doctor before starting or stopping any medication。If you are planning to become pregnant, discuss your current medicines with your doctor, midwife, or pharmacist.
  • 最新播放所有疫苗。这将有助于保护您和您的发育中的婴儿免受严重疾病的侵害。
  • Get a flu shot.流感与未怀孕的生殖年龄妇女相比,孕妇更可能引起孕妇的严重疾病。
  • 在怀孕之前,请尝试达到对您健康的体重。Having obesityincreases the riskfor serious birth abnormalities and other pregnancy complications.
  • Learn about the母乳喂养的好处Consider taking a class to help you prepare.