
Morning sickness is a common symptom of pregnancy and is marked by nausea and occasional vomiting. Despite the name, morning sickness can cause discomfort at any time of the day.

孕吐通常发生在怀孕的前四个月内,通常是第一个标志that a woman is pregnant.

There are various ways to alleviate morning sickness, and complications are rare.

Causes of morning sickness

There’s no one cause of morning sickness during pregnancy, and severity varies among women. Increasedhormone levelsduring the first few weeks of pregnancy is among the most common causes.减少血糖是孕吐的另一个常见原因。


Morning sickness can vary between pregnancies. While you may have had severe morning sickness during one pregnancy, in future pregnancies it may be very mild.

Possible complications of morning sickness

Nauseavomitingcan easily cause a loss of appetite. Many pregnant women worry that this will harm their babies. Mild morning sickness is generally not harmful.

Women who experience morning sickness well beyond the first 3 to 4 months of their pregnancies should speak with their doctor. Also seek help if you aren’t gaining any weight during pregnancy.

Morning sickness is usually not severe enough to hinder fetal growth and development. For some pregnant women, nausea causes them to experience severe vomiting and weight loss.

这种情况称为妊娠妊娠. It causes电解质失衡和无意减肥。如果未经治疗,这种情况最终可能会伤害您的宝宝。

Call your doctor immediately if you experience:


治疗for morning sickness


Do not take these medications on your own without first talking with your doctor.

Some people find that alternative remedies may also help relieve morning sickness. Make sure you only try these after first discussing them with your doctor. These remedies include:


Based on your symptoms, your doctor may order some tests to make sure that you and your baby are safe. These include:


尿液检查can determine whether you’re dehydrated.

Blood chemistry tests

Your doctor may order blood chemistry tests that include:

These tests will determine whether you’re:



Preventing morning sickness

Taking the following steps may help prevent or minimize nausea:

  • 喝很多.
  • 在饭前和之后喝水。
  • 小睡。
  • Ventilate your home and workspace to eliminate scents that make you nauseous.
  • Avoid spicy foods.
  • Eat small meals.
  • 避免高脂肪的食物。
  • Take vitamins at night.
  • Avoid cigarette smoke.

