What is Down syndrome?

Down syndrome (sometimes called Down’s syndrome) is a condition in which a child is born with an extra copy of their 21st chromosome — hence its other name, trisomy 21. This causes physical and mental developmental delays and disabilities.

Many of the disabilities are lifelong, and they can also shorten life expectancy. However, people with Down syndrome can live healthy and fulfilling lives. Recent medical advances, as well as cultural and institutional support for people with Down syndrome and their families, provides many opportunities to help overcome the challenges of this condition.






三术21.means there’s an extra copy of chromosome 21 in every cell. This is the most common form of Down syndrome.




In this type of Down syndrome, children have only an extra part of chromosome 21. There are 46 total chromosomes. However, one of them has an extra piece of chromosome 21 attached.

某些父母有更大的机会给birth to a child with Down syndrome. According to the Centers for Disease and Prevention, mothers aged 35 and older are 更可能 患有唐氏母亲的婴儿比年轻的母亲更症状。概率增加了母亲的年龄越旧。

研究表明,父亲年龄也有效果。一2003年的研究found that fathers over 40 had twice the chance of having a child with Down syndrome.

Other parents who are more likely to have a child with Down syndrome include:

  • 有一个唐氏综合征的家族史的人
  • people who carry the genetic translocation




  • 平面面部特色
  • 耳朵耳朵
  • 短脖子
  • bulging tongue
  • 向上倾斜的眼睛
  • 非典型的耳朵
  • poor muscle tone

一个infant with Down syndrome can be born an average size, but will develop more slowly than a child without the condition.


  • 冲动的行为
  • poor judgment
  • 注意力短暂
  • 慢慢学习能力


People with Down syndrome are also more prone to infection. They may struggle withrespiratory infections尿路感染那and皮肤感染


First trimester

一个ultrasound evaluationand blood tests can look for Down syndrome in your fetus. These tests have a higher false-positive rate than tests done at later pregnancy stages. If results aren’t normal, your doctor may follow up with an amniocentesis after your 15th week of pregnancy.



If any of these tests aren’t normal, you’ll be considered at high risk for birth defects.



  • 羊膜穿刺术。你的医生需要一个sample of amniotic fluidto examine the number of chromosomes your baby has. The test is usually done after 15 weeks.
  • 绒毛膜绒毛采样(CVS)。Your doctor willtake cells from your placenta分析胎儿染色体。该测试是在怀孕的第9和第14周之间完成的。它可以增加你流产的风险,但根据梅奥诊所,只能小于1 percent
  • 经皮脐血液采样(PUB或肠腔穿孔孔)。Your doctor will take blood from the umbilical cord and examine it for chromosomal defects. It’s done after the 18th week of pregnancy. It has a higher risk of miscarriage, so it’s performed only if all other tests are uncertain.

有些女性因为风险而选择不接受这些测试流产。They’d rather have a child with Down syndrome than lose the pregnancy.



  • 对宝宝进行体检
  • order a blood test called a核型确认唐氏综合症

There’s no cure for Down syndrome, but there’s a wide variety of support and educational programs that can help both people with the condition and their families. Then只是一个寻找全国各节目的一个地方。

Available programs start with interventions in infancy.Federal law要求各国为合格家庭提供治疗计划。在这些方案中,特殊教育教师和治疗师将帮助您的孩子学习:

  • sensory skills
  • social skills
  • self-help skills
  • 运动技能
  • 语言和认知能力



The lifespan for people with Down syndrome has improved dramatically in recent decades. In 1960年 那a baby born with Down syndrome often didn’t see their 10th birthday.今天,患有唐氏综合症的人的预期寿命平均达到50至60岁。

If you’re raising a child with Down syndrome, you’ll need a close relationship with medical professionals who understand the condition’s unique challenges. In addition to larger concerns — like heart defects and leukemia — people with Down syndrome may need to be guarded from common infections such as colds.


看看全国唐氏综合征社会National Association for Down Syndromefor help and support.