关于80 percent of people withCOVID-19develop mild disease, according to a 研究回顾 from March 2021. Another 5 percent of people with COVID-19 need intensive care.


Much more is known about COVID-19 symptoms now than at the beginning of the pandemic. Researchers have linkeddry eyes和其他眼睛症状到Covid-19感染。

Keep reading to learn what the latest research has found about the connection between COVID-19 and dry eyes.


Dry eyes are a common condition, especially in people over age 50. According to the美国眼科学会截至2015年,美国约有490万人超过50岁以上的人。

Researchers have found, however, that dry eyes seem to be more common in people with COVID-19 than in people without the coronavirus.

一个大的 研究综述 published in early 2021 found that in a group of 8,219 people with COVID-19, approximately 1 in 10 experienced eye symptoms.

Dry eyes or the feeling of having a foreign object in an eye was the most common eye symptom. It was reported in 16 percent of people who developed eye symptoms and 1.7 percent of people with COVID-19.


The SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to enter cells in your body through an enzyme called angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). ACE2 has been identified in the epithelial cells that cover the surface of your eyes, according to research from June 2020

Research from 2018 has found that inflammation from your body’s immune response can contribute to dry eyes. In theory, if the coronavirus enters the cells that line your eyes, it could impair your body’s ability to keep the surface of your eyes moist.


Face coveringsare crucial for slowing the spread of COVID-19, but they may also contribute to eye dryness. Ophthalmologists have been seeing an increased number of people reporting dry eyes since the start of the pandemic, according to a 2021年给编辑的信





在里面 2021年研究综述 前面提到,研究人员发现,最常见的眼部症状是:

在里面study, 89 people developed some type of eye disease.红眼病made up almost 90 percent of these cases.


  • getting plenty of rest
  • 保持水合
  • 采取像布洛芬这样的柜台药物,以帮助管理痛苦和发烧

将自己与他人隔离并避免公共空间来避免传播病毒也是至关重要的。根据这一点 CDC , most adults can stop quarantining 10 days after symptom onset, if they haven’t had a fever for at least 24 hours.

Medical emergency symptoms

如果您或某人正在照顾任何CDC,您应该立即寻求紧急护理 应急症状 。这些是:

  • 呼吸困难
  • persistent chest pain or pressure
  • new confusion
  • 浅灰色或蓝色嘴唇,皮肤或指甲。
  • an inability to stay awake or wake up


关于1 in 10 people with COVID-19 develop eye symptoms, and dry eyes are the most commonly reported of those.

Other factors indirectly related to COVID-19, such as prolonged use of a face covering and increased screen time during the pandemic, may also contribute.

Dry eyes without more typical COVID-19 symptoms are unlikely to be a sign of COVID-19.