呕吐— forcefully expelling what’s in your stomach through your mouth — is your body’s way of getting rid of something harmful in the stomach. It may also be a response to irritation in the gut.


呕吐can be a one-time event, especially when it’s caused by eating or drinking something that doesn’t settle right in the stomach. However, vomiting repeatedly can be a sign of an emergency or a serious underlying condition.

Read on to learn the causes of vomiting in adults, babies, and pregnant women, how to treat it, and when it’s considered an emergency.

The most common causes of vomiting are different in adults, babies, and pregnant or menstruating women.

呕吐in adults

The most common causes of vomiting in adults include:

呕吐in babies

Common causes of vomiting in babies include:

  • viral gastroenteritis
  • swallowing milk too quickly, which can be caused by the hole in the bottle teat being too large
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  • milk intolerance
  • 其他类型的感染,包括尿路感染(UTI),中耳感染,肺炎或脑膜炎
  • accidentally ingesting a poison
  • congenital pyloric stenosis: a condition present at birth in which the passage from the stomach to the bowel has narrowed so food can’t pass through easily
  • 肠套叠: when the bowel telescopes in on itself resulting in a blockage — a medical emergency

呕吐when pregnant

Causes of vomiting in pregnant women include:

  • morning sickness
  • acid reflux
  • foodborne illnesses (food poisoning)
  • migraine headaches
  • sensitivity to certain smells or tastes
  • extreme morning sickness, known as超高模糊雷谜,这是由升高引起的荷尔蒙引起的


Hormone changes during menstruation can make you nauseous and make you throw up. Some women also experience migraine headaches during theirperiods, which can also cause vomiting.

治疗for vomiting depends on the underlying cause. Drinking plenty of water and sports drinks containing electrolytes can help preventdehydration.

In adults


  • Eat small meals consisting of only light and plain foods (rice, bread, crackers or theBRAT diet).
  • Sip clear liquids.
  • 休息并避免身体活动。

Medications can be helpful:

  • Over-the-counter (OTC) medications likeImodium.Pepto-Bismolmay help suppress nausea and vomiting as you wait for your body to fight off an infection
  • Depending on the cause, a doctor may prescribeantiemeticdrugs, likeondansetron(Zofran), granisetron, or promethazine.
  • OTCantacidsor other prescription medications can help treat the symptoms of acid reflux.
  • Anti-anxiety medicationscan be prescribed if your vomiting is related to an anxiety condition.

In babies

  • Keep your baby lying on their stomach or side to lessen the chances of inhaling vomit
  • Make sure your baby consumes extra fluids, such as water, sugar water, oral rehydration solutions (Pedialyte) or gelatin; if your baby is still breastfeeding, continue to breastfeed often.
  • Avoid solid foods.
  • See a doctor if your baby refuses to eat or drink anything for more than a few hours.

When pregnant

孕妇who have morning sickness or hyperemesis gravidarum may need to receive intravenous fluids if they’re unable to keep down any fluids.

More severe cases of hyperemesis gravidarum might requiretotal parenteral nutritiongiven through an IV.

医生也可能开antiemetics, such as异丙嗪,甲基丙咪替普丁(Reglan), or droperidol (Inapsine), to help prevent nausea and vomiting. These medications can be given by mouth, IV, or suppository

Adults and babies

Adults and babies should see a doctor if they:



Predicting when you might vomit

Before you vomit, you may begin to feel nauseous.Nauseacan be described as stomach discomfort and the sensation of your stomach churning.

Young children may not be able to recognize nausea, but they may complain of a stomachache before they vomit.


When you begin feeling nauseous, there are a few steps you can take to potentially stop yourself from actually vomiting. The following tips may help prevent vomiting before it starts:

  • Take deep breaths.
  • 喝姜茶或吃新鲜或糖醋姜。
  • 服用OTC药物以阻止呕吐,如Pepto-Bismol。
  • 如果您易于晕动疾病,请占据OTC抗组胺药如Dramamine。
  • Suck on ice chips.
  • If you’re prone to indigestion or acid reflux, avoid oily or spicy foods.
  • Sit down or lie down with your head and back propped up.

可能并不总是可以防止由某些条件引起的呕吐。例如,耗费足够的alcoholto cause a toxic level in your bloodstream will result in vomiting as your body attempts to return to a non-toxic level.

Drinking plenty of water and other liquids to replenish lost fluids is important after a bout of vomiting. Start slowly by sipping water or sucking on ice chips, then add in more clear liquids like sports drinks or juice. You canmake your own rehydration solutionusing:

  • 1/2茶匙盐
  • 6 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 liter water

You shouldn’t have a big meal after you vomit. Begin with saltine crackers or plain rice or bread. You should also avoid foods that are difficult to digest, like:

  • milk
  • cheese
  • caffeine
  • fatty or fried foods
  • spicy food

After you vomit, you should rinse your mouth with cool water to remove any stomach acid that could damage your teeth. Don’t brush your teeth right after vomiting as this could cause damage to the already weakened enamel.

呕吐is a common symptom of many conditions. Most often, vomiting in both adults and babies is a result of an infection called gastroenteritis, indigestion, or food poisoning. However, there can be several other causes.

In pregnant women, vomiting is often a sign of morning sickness.

呕吐can be concerning if a person shows signs of severe dehydration, or it accompanies chest pain, sudden and severe abdominal pain, a high fever, or a stiff neck. People who’ve recently had a head injury or are vomiting blood should see a doctor right away.

If you’re experiencing vomiting, make sure to sip water and other clear fluids to prevent dehydration. Eat small meals when you’re able to, consisting of plain foods like crackers.

If the vomiting doesn’t subside in a few days, see a doctor.