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Thibault SAVARY |AFP.


Some leaders — for example, Boris Johnson, the prime minister of the United Kingdom — suggested it might be a good way to stop or control the spread of the new coronavirus, known as SARS-CoV-2. Herd immunity is also called community immunity and herd or group protection.

Herd immunity happens when so many people in a community become免疫to an infectious disease that it stops the disease from spreading.

This can happen in two ways:

  • 许多人在疾病和时间内合同疾病,对其进行免疫应答(自然免疫)。
  • Many people arevaccinated针对疾病达到免疫力。

Herd immunity can work against the spread of some diseases. There are several reasons why it often works.

There are also many reasons why herd immunity won’t yet work to stop or slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19, the disease caused by an infection of the new coronavirus.



This helps protect people who aren’t vaccinated, or who have low functioning immune systems and may develop an infection more easily, such as:

  • 老年人
  • 婴儿
  • 小孩子
  • 孕人
  • 人们免疫减弱系统
  • 有一定的健康状况的人

For some diseases, herd immunity can go into effect when40 percentof the people in a population become immune to the disease, such as through vaccination. But in most cases,80%到95%of the population must be immune to the disease to stop its spread.


例如,每20人中有19人must have the麻疹vaccination for herd immunity to go into effect and stop the disease.

This means that if a child gets measles, everyone else in this population around them will most likely have been vaccinated, already have formed antibodies, and be immune to the disease to prevent it from spreading further.



To visualize this, picture someone without immunity as a red dot surrounded by yellow immune dots. If the red dot can’t connect to any other red dots, there’s herd immunity.




Natural immunitycan help create herd immunity, but it doesn’t work as well as vaccinations. There are several reasons for this:

  • Everyone would have to develop the illness once to become immune.
  • 发展疾病可能会有健康风险,有时会严重。
  • 你可能不知道你是否有疾病,或者如果你免于它。

牛群免疫确实为某些疾病工作。挪威的人们成功为H1N1病毒而成功开发了至少部分畜群免疫力(猪流感) through vaccinations and natural immunity.

Similarly, in Norway, influenza was projected to cause fewer deaths in 2010 and 2011 because more of the population was immune to it.

Herd immunity can help stop the spread of illness, such as swine flu, and other outbreaks within an entire country. But it can change without anyone knowing. Also, it doesn’t always guarantee protection against any disease.


并非每种疾病都可以通过畜群免疫力阻止疫苗。例如,你可以得到破伤风from bacteria in your environment. You don’t get it from someone else, so herd immunity doesn’t work for this infection. Getting the vaccine is the only protection.

You can help build herd immunity to certain diseases in your community by making sure you and your family have up-to-date vaccinations. Herd immunity may not always protect every individual in the community, but it could help prevent widespread disease.

Masks, vaccinations, rapid testing prior to gatherings, physical distancing and frequent handwashing are the most reliable ways to help prevent you and those around you from contracting and potentially transmitting SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

There are several reasons why herd immunity isn’t the answer to stopping the spread of the new coronavirus:

  • People who contract SARS-CoV-2 and develop COVID-19 can experience serious side effects. Severe cases can lead to death.
  • Doctors don’t yet know exactly why some people who contract SARS-CoV-2 develop severe COVID-19, while others do not.
  • Vulnerable members of society, such as older adults and people with some chronic health conditions, could get very sick if they’re exposed to this virus.
  • 否则健康和年轻人可能会生病与covid-19。
  • Hospitals and healthcare systems may be overburdened if many people develop COVID-19 at the same time.

Overall, herd immunity will likely never be achieved with COVID-19. The emergence of variants and the waning immunity after both vaccination and natural infection will mean populations across the globe will always be susceptible to a certain degree.

Outbreaks are likely to continue occurring. But the level of immunity present in a population will determine how bad the outbreak will be.

Almost all healthy adults, teens, and older children would need to be vaccinated to provide herd immunity for people who can’t get the vaccine or who are too ill to become naturally immune to it. This is even more true with the emergence of more infectious new variants like Delta and Omicron.

If you’re vaccinated and build immunity against SARS-CoV-2, you’re far less likely to contract the virus or transmit it. And if you do, the effects will be far less severe.

Herd immunity is community or group protection that happens when a critical number of the population is immune to a certain disease. It can help stop or slow the spread of an infectious disease like measles or swine flu.

All germs have ways to outwit and camouflage themselves from the immune system, and SARS-CoV-2 is no different.

The immunity obtained after one contracts SARS-CoV-2 is unreliable. The only type of immunity for this virus that you can count on being present is from a vaccine.

However both natural immunity (if present after infection) and vaccine-induced immunity have been shown to wane.
