
The redness of your eye may be a cause for concern. However, most serious eye problems happen when you have redness along with pain or changes in your vision.


Now let’s explore the different causes of eye redness. For each one, we’ll cover what it is, what causes it, and any other additional symptoms to be aware of.


Allergies can affect theeyes, leading them to become red and swollen. Other symptoms that you may experience include:

眼睛过敏症状也可能伴随着其他allergy symptoms,例如打喷嚏和发痒的鼻子。

Some common allergy triggers include:


Tears are made by small glands above the eyes. They work to help protect and lubricate the eyes. You havedry eyes当您的眼睛没有产生足够的眼泪时。

干眼睛are very common, with studies estimating a prevalence rate of between5 to 50 percent。The condition is more likely to occur in women, people over the age of 50, and individuals who wear contact lenses.

If you have dry eyes, you may notice that your eyes appear red. Other symptoms include:


结膜炎happens when the membrane covering the insides of your eyelids and the white part of your eye, called the conjunctiva, becomes inflamed. This condition is also called pink eye.


  • itching
  • a burning sensation
  • 感觉像是你眼中的东西
  • increased tearing
  • discharge ofmucusor, which can lead to crusting of the eyelids or eyelashes

结膜炎can have a variety of causes, including:

  • 病毒感染,例如由于adenoviruses,measles, orCOVID-19
  • bacterial infections that can be caused by species likeStaphylococcus aureus,肺炎链球菌, orHaemophilus influenzae
  • allergiesto things like pollen, molds, and pet dander
  • environmental irritants like smoke or chemical fumes

结膜炎due to a viral or bacterial infection is verycontagious。That means that it can easily be spread from one person to another.


Blepharitisis when your eyelids become inflamed. It can cause your eyelids or eyes to appear red and swollen.


  • itching
  • a burning or stinging sensation
  • 感觉像是你眼中的东西
  • increased tearing
  • crusty eyelids in the morning
  • sensitivity to light

睑缘炎也可能引起更严重的症状,尤其是如果没有治疗。这些可以包括loss of eyelashes, eyelashes that grow in the wrong location, or blurred vision.

Blepharitis can happen if you have high amounts ofbacteriaon your eyelids. The condition may also develop if oil glands in your eyelids become clogged. Amite infestationcan also cause blepharitis in rare cases.


Uveitisis inflammation that happens in the middle part of your eye, called the uvea. The uvea is an area found between the white of your eye and your retina.

Inflammation due to uveitis can lead to eye redness. Additional symptoms to look out for are:

There are a few known causes of uveitis, including:

及时治疗葡萄膜炎至关重要。这是因为条件可能导致vision lossif not managed.


巩膜炎is when inflammation affects the white of your eye, which is called the sclera. When this occurs, the white of your eye can become red and swollen. Additional symptoms can be:

  • increased tearing
  • 眼睛压痛或疼痛
  • blurred vision
  • sensitivity to light
  • 头部,脸或下巴疼痛
  • 视力下降

The development of scleritis is often associated with an autoimmune disease. Examples include:

It’s also possible for scleritis to happen due to an injury to the eye or an eye infection.

Subconjunctival hemorrhage

Sometimes, a blood vessel in an eye can break, leaking blood on the surface of your eye This is called asubconjunctival hemorrhage

这种情况可能看起来很严重,但通常是良性的,并且独自消失 1至2周 。Typically, the redness in the affected eye is the only symptom, although in some cases, your eye may feel slightly irritated.

However, if you have subconjunctival hemorrhage and your vision is decreased, talk with a doctor.

Some potential causes of subconjunctival hemorrhage are:

  • rubbing your eyes too hard
  • intense coughing or sneezing
  • 呕吐
  • 眼部受伤

You may be more prone to this condition if you’re taking blood thinners or havediabetesorhypertension

Eyelid stye

Astyeis a blockage of the meibomian gland in the eye that causes inflammation. It can affect the outside or inside of either your upper or lower eyelid.

If you have a stye, the area at the edge of your eyelid can become red, swollen, and painful. The affected area may fill with meibum (due to the blocked gland) and can potentially grow to the size of a pea.

Angle-closure glaucoma

青光眼is a condition where the pressure in your eye increases due to the eye producing more fluid than the normal rate. This can damage your optic nerve, potentially leading to vision loss.

有不同类型的青光眼。在一种类型中,称为angle-closure glaucoma, a rapid increase in eye pressure occurs. You may also see this type of glaucoma called closed-angle glaucoma or narrow-angle glaucoma.

The symptoms of angle-closure glaucoma come on suddenly and may include eye redness. Other symptoms to be aware of are:


Corneal ulcers

Corneal ulcersare ulcers, or sores, that affect the outer part of your eye, which is called the cornea. This condition is also called keratitis.

In addition to red eyes, other symptoms of a corneal ulcer are:

  • 严重的眼睛疼痛
  • 感觉像是你眼中的东西
  • increased tearing
  • discharge of pus
  • blurred vision
  • sensitivity to light
  • eyelid swelling

There are several things that can cause corneal ulcers to develop:

  • bacteria
  • viruses, particularlyherpes simplex virusand varicella-zoster virus
  • fungi
  • Acanthamoeba,一种寄生虫感染
  • dry eyes
  • sleeping in contact lenses
  • showering or swimming in contact lenses, or using well water to clean contacts
  • injury to the cornea, such as a scratch, cut, or burn
  • 贝尔的麻痹and其他疾病affecting the eyelid’s ability to close

It’s important to seek timely medical attention if you have symptoms of a corneal ulcer. If not managed, this condition can permanently damage your vision.


维持一个injurythat affects your eye may cause it to become red, often due toirritationorbleeding。眼损伤可能发生的其他症状是:

  • eye pain
  • swelling of the eye or the surrounding area
  • trouble moving your eye
  • 视力下降
  • 不同的学生大小

A few examples of common sources of eye injuries include:

  • foreign objectsthat get into your eye
  • 身体创伤,例如遭受打击或事故
  • exposure to chemicals

Contact lens wear

Individuals who wear隐形眼镜have to touch their eyes and the surrounding area more often than those who don’t wear contact lenses. As such, they’re at an increased risk of eye redness due to a variety of factors. Some of these include:

  • 角膜上的划痕或刮擦
  • 眼睛过敏
  • eye infections
  • corneal ulcers, which can happen from sleeping in contact lenses
  • dry eyes
  • neovascularization, when new blood vessel grow on the cornea
  • giant papillary conjunctivitis, a type of conjunctivitis in which bumps develop under your eyelid
  • contact lens-induced acute red eye (CLARE), an inflammatory condition associated with wearing contacts overnight

In addition to eye redness, some symptoms of complications related to contact lenses are:

  • eye pain
  • increased tearing
  • blurry vision
  • sensitivity to light

If you wear contact lenses and have any of the symptoms above, remove your contacts for a few hours. If your symptoms continue or become worse, contact an eye doctor.

Additional causes of eye redness

In addition to the causes discussed above, some further causes of eye redness include:

  • use ofalcoholorcannabis
  • 光球炎, which is eye irritation that can happen due to sun exposure
  • 眼酒场, a skin condition that most often affects the cheeks, nose, or forehead but can also affect your eyes
  • trichiasis, in which eyelashes grow inward and irritate the eye
  • cellulitis,一种细菌皮肤感染,可能影响眼睑或眼睛插座
  • endophthalmitis, an infection of the tissues on the inside of your eye
  • onchocerciasis, a parasitic infection caused by a roundworm
  • retinoblastoma, a type ofcancerthat affects the eye

If your eye redness is caused by a milder condition such as allergies,conjunctivitis, or blepharitis, you may be able to treat your symptoms at home. Some things that you can do include:

  • Apply a cool compress.Acool compress每天几次闭上眼睛可以帮助减轻诸如发红和肿胀之类的症状。
  • Take over-the-counter (OTC) medications.OTC抗组胺药or充气者may help reduce eye redness. Medications likeibuprofen and acetaminophen也可以在柜台上使用,可以缓解不适或肿胀。
  • Try artificial tears.Artificial tears可在柜台上找到,可用于帮助减轻红眼睛并洗净刺激性。将它们放在冰箱中可以提供更多的缓解。
  • Avoid irritants.康复时,请尝试减少与环境中的刺激物(例如花粉,烟雾或化学烟雾)的接触。
  • Wash your hands.Make sure to洗你的手frequently. Avoid touching your eyes or the surrounding area if your hands aren’t clean.
  • Avoid makeup or contacts.Aim to avoid wearing makeup or contacts until your symptoms have gone away.
  • 限制屏幕时间。Spending too much time in front of a computer, TV, or phone screen can cause eyestrain and dry eyes, so try to reduce your screen time.


Depending on your diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe treatment that helps to alleviate your symptoms. This would likely include things like:

  • 类固醇眼滴或平板电脑
  • 抗菌药物可能包括眼滴,平板电脑或局部用药,您可以在眼睛附近使用
  • prescription eye drops for specific conditions like allergies,dry eye, or青光眼
  • 一个拉斯维加斯er procedure (in the case of acute angle-closure)


However, if you have a condition that causes vision changes, this may affect your ability to perform tasks such as cooking or driving. Vision impairments in these areas can result in accidental injury.

Some eye conditions that aren’t treated may also result in permanent damage to the eye, which can lead to vision loss. Examples of such conditions include eye infections, angle-closure glaucoma, and eye injuries.

Most causes of eye redness don’t warrant emergency medical attention.

If you experience eye redness, make an appointment to see a doctor if:

  • your symptoms lastlonger than 1 week
  • you experience changes in your vision
  • you experience pain in your eye
  • 你变得敏感
  • you have discharge from one or both of your eyes
  • you take medications that thin your blood, such as肝素orwarfarin(Coumadin, Jantoven)

Even though most causes of eye redness aren’t severe, seek emergency medical attention if:

  • 创伤或受伤后你的眼睛是红色的
  • you have a headache and have blurry vision
  • you begin seeing white rings, or halos, around lights
  • you experience nausea and vomiting


Follow these tips to prevent eye redness:

  • Wash your handsfrequently, particularly if you’re exposed to someone who has an eye infection.
  • Remove all makeupfrom your eyes each day.
  • Don’t wear contact lenses longer than recommended or while swimming.
  • 不要在一夜之间穿隐形眼镜。
  • Clean your contact lenses regularly.
  • Avoid activities that can causeeyestrain
  • 避免接触会导致眼睛刺激的物质。如果确实发生了曝光,flush out your eyeimmediately with eyewash or water if eyewash isn’t available.