Nasal congestion

鼻塞,也称为鼻塞,往往是另一个健康问题的症状,如窦感染。它也可能是由common cold


  • 闷闷不乐的鼻子
  • sinus pain
  • 粘液堆积
  • 肿胀的鼻腔组织

家庭补救措施may be enough to alleviate nasal congestion, particularly if it’s caused by the common cold. However, if you experience long-term congestion, you may need medical treatment.

拥塞是你的鼻子被塞满了。轻微疾病是鼻塞最常见的原因。例如,寒冷,flu, 和sinus infections都可以引起闷热的鼻子。疾病相关的拥塞通常在一周内改善。


Nasal congestion may also occur during pregnancy, usually during the end of the孕三个月。Hormonal fluctuations and increased blood supply that occur during pregnancy may cause this nasal congestion.


家庭补救措施can help when you’re experiencing nasal congestion.

加湿者that add moisture to the air may help to break up mucus and soothe inflamed nasal passageways. However, if you haveasthma,请在使用加湿器之前询问您的医生。




In this case, medical treatment may be needed, especially if your condition is painful and interfering with your everyday activities.


  • congestion lasting longer than 10 days
  • congestion accompanied by a high fever lasting more than 3 days
  • green nasal dischargealong with sinus pain and fever
  • 弱化免疫系统,哮喘或肺气肿

You should also see your doctor right away if you’ve had a recent head injury and are now having血腥的鼻涕或恒定的清除流量。


For these reasons, it’s important to contact your pediatrician right away if your infant has nasal congestion. Your doctor can then work with you to find the best treatment options for your baby.

After your doctor has determined the cause of chronic nasal congestion, they can recommend a treatment plan. Treatment plans often include over-the-counter or prescription medication to resolve or alleviate symptoms.

Medications used to treat nasal congestion include:

  • 口服抗组胺药治疗过敏,如Loratain.(Claritin)和cetirizine(Zyrtec)
  • nasal sprays that contain antihistamines, such as偶氮伞(Astelin, Astepro)
  • nasal steroids, such asmometasone(Asmanex Twistshaler)或氟橡胶(Flovent Diskus,Flovent HFA)
  • antibiotics
  • over-the-counter or prescription-strength decongestants

If you have tumors or nasal polyps in your nasal passages or sinuses that are keeping mucus from draining out, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove them.

Nasal congestion rarely causes major health problems and is most often caused by the common cold or a sinus infection. Symptoms usually improve right away with proper treatment.

If you experience chronic congestion, speak to your doctor to investigate the underlying problem.