
Feeling abnormally sleepy or tired during the day is commonly known as drowsiness. Drowsiness may lead to additional symptoms, such as forgetfulness or falling asleep at inappropriate times.



Certain lifestyle factors may lead to increased drowsiness, such as working very long hours or switching to a night shift. In most cases, your drowsiness will subside as your body adapts to your new schedule.


Drowsiness can also be a result of your mental, emotional, or psychological state.

Depression可以大大增加嗜睡,高水平压力or anxietyBoredom是嗜睡的另一个已知原因。如果您正在遇到任何这些心理状况,那么您也可能会感到fatiguedandapathetic

Medical conditions

Some medical conditions can cause drowsiness. One of the most common of these isdiabetes。可能导致嗜睡的其他疾病包括导致慢性疼痛或影响您的新陈代谢或精神状态的疾病,例如甲状腺功能减退症orhyponatremia。Hyponatremia is when the level of sodium in your blood is too low.

其他已知会引起嗜睡的医疗状况包括infectious mononucleosis (mono)andchronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)


Many medications, particularlyantihistamines,镇静剂,安眠药,,,,list drowsiness as a possible side effect. These medications have a label that warns against driving or operating heavy machinery while using these drugs.



Excessive drowsiness without a known cause can be a sign of a睡眠失调。There’s a range of sleeping disorders, and each has its own unique effects.

In obstructive睡眠呼吸暂停,您的上部呼吸道上的堵塞会导致整夜的呼吸打呼和停顿。这会导致您经常用窒息的声音醒来。

Other sleep disorders includenarcolepsy,,,,restless leg syndrome (RLS),,,,and延迟睡眠期障碍(DSP)

Treatment of drowsiness depends on its cause.


Some drowsiness can be treated at home, especially if it’s the result of lifestyle factors, such as working longer hours, or a mental state, such as压力

In these cases, it may help to get plenty of rest and distract yourself. It’s also important to investigate what’s causing the problem — like if it’s stress or anxiety — and take steps to reduce the feeling.

Medical care




They may also ask for specific details, such as if you actually fall asleep during the day and whether you wake up feeling refreshed.



If no cause for your drowsiness is apparent, you may need to undergo some tests. Most are usually noninvasive and painless. Your doctor could request any of the following:


Your blood pressure, heart rate, heart rhythm, breathing, oxygenation, brain waves, and certain body movements will bemonitored throughout the night对于睡眠障碍的任何迹象。


A regular amount of sleep each night can often prevent drowsiness. Most adults require about eight hours of sleep to feel fully refreshed. Some people may need more, especially those with medical conditions or a particularly active lifestyle.

For more sleep support, check out our sleep shop.

Talk to your doctor as soon as possible if you experience any changes in your mood, signs of depression, or uncontrollable feelings of stress and anxiety.



Some people manage to live with drowsiness. However, it may limit your ability to work, drive, and operate machinery safely.